Lost In You | Teen Ink

Lost In You

June 21, 2014
By AndreaRP BRONZE, North Bend, Washington
AndreaRP BRONZE, North Bend, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I met you and life fell into place. All that mattered was you and me and the only person I had to satisfy was you. I was young and this was the first time someone had held my heart so I let you take it away. I let you store it secretly and I still can't find it. I was quiet but you made me talk, slowly I poured myself into you until there was nothing of me left. Everything was you, the night sky was your eyes and the sun was your smile. My beauty was in your eyes and the air i breathed was your breath. I lived inside you, when we fought the earthquakes through me around but even though I was bruised I stayed alive. I sunk deeper and deeper, I was twisted throughout your bones I was coiled around your veins. I felt your heart pumping as it was my own. We talked without using words, I felt each and every one of your thoughts go through me. No one told us how dangerous you first love is. I guess not many people expect a 16 year old boy to hang himself. And even less people expect the 15 year old girl living inside to die as well.

It's been 4 years and building myself up from scratch is still a work in process. I don't know where to find the stars anymore and the sun still doesn't shine as bright. Slowly pieces of me are returning, falling from the sky in rain drops. I imagine you sitting up in the clouds plucking my bones out of you body, unraveling my soul out of yours. Your body cannot be my home anymore and I'm learning to live in myself. But nothing will ever feel as perfect as your hands and no sound will ever be as sweet as your voice. This body of mine will always be my second home for yours was my first. Your thoughts don't run through my mind anymore and people tell me that it's a good thing but I can't sleep without listening to your mind. You hid my heart when we first met and I haven't even gone looking for it sense you've been gone because whats the point if I only want to give it to you.

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