Birth of an Artist | Teen Ink

Birth of an Artist

September 8, 2014
By zubss BRONZE, Port Louis Town, Other
zubss BRONZE, Port Louis Town, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My family was a very poor one.Due to financial insufficiency ,we were compelled to manage ourselves in a small hut ,found in Jordan.Life was becoming too difficult there as we were being asked daily to vacate the hut. 

My father was a cobbler.He was very anxious about where he would shelter his family once we left the refugee camp.He was so tensed that his diabetes rose up to dangerous levels everyday.Due to the arising conflict in Syria , our refugee camp was in higher need and the administrators felt that the families who were victims of the conflict had a greater merit on that hut.My father sobbed everyday.Everyone was helpless in my family. 

Unfortunately ,I was unemployed.I could not complete my higher school studies due to the shortage of money we had been facing.I felt as if I was a heavy burden on my father.Everyday ,I segregated myself to a lonely place near the seaside.There,I would grieve and mull over the difficult situation into which my family was sunk.I spent the whole day there and performed my favourite hobby :painting. 

One day, a passer-by came across me while I was drawing a small boat,full of fish ,near the beach.He was so impressed that he immediately shook hands with me.He exclaimed :"Marvellous! What a splendid picture!"He resumed :"You have incredible talents ,my boy!"He told me that he was a museum owner and that the following night ,the president would launch some paintings at his museum's art gallery.I seized that unique opportunity to relate to him the story of my family.He was so touched and so emotional that he accepted to launch my painting as well. 

The following night ,I took my family to the museum in order to attend the launching ceremony.We felt very inferior as our cheap clothes and modest characters did not match those of the opulent persons present there.My father was unaware of my painting skills and continued to ask me for the reason I had brought the family there.I replied :"Wait! Dad!"As the ceremony proceeded ,we heard :"And here's the fabulous painting of Mr Allamsaib.........Zubeir!"Everyone was amazed and gazed in wonder at my drawing.Soon,it was my turn to be shocked when the president announced that he was offering two hundred thousand rupees for my painting! My father hugged me tightly and burst into tears, praising my successful achievement. 

The mixture of amazement and relief on my father's face was something I will always remember.Since that night ,we never faced any  misery anymore ,as we shifted to a mansion where we lived in peace and tranquility. 

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