Elena's Interview | Teen Ink

Elena's Interview

September 11, 2014
By Anonymous

My mother once said “one comes to America to live a better life”. What does the American dream to you? I asked. The American dream is about having a successful life. A successful life is considered as owning a house, having a well-paying job, having an admirable car, and having you a family. “Living a happy life”. She said. “A great life requires education”. she mentioned. Having an education is extremely important. Having an education full of success matters because your education gain you a well-paying job. Having a well-paying job helps you from accomplishing your dreams, like buying your car and home. “The American dream is to give your kids a better life than you did”. she stated. Her dreams for her kids were for them to study, have an education, to have a marvelous career, and for them to have a job, and have their own families.

The American dream is about living an excellent life. Most people consider a good life being a life full of happiness. The American dream as owning their own things, for example, owning a house, car, business anything. Living the way you dream to wish. Having more than a decent lifestyle. A life that everyone dreams to live. The kind of lifestyle that you see celebrities have. “You can have own anything you want if you have a good job”. she mentioned. Having a good job like being a doctor, dentist, nurse, surgeon, etc. can win you anything you want. “A good job is a well-paying job”. she stated. If you prosper in your career, you can buy beautiful things. For example, a beautiful home, or clothes.

“A good life requires education”. she said. Having an education matters because you can get any job you want. You can study to be a doctor, a nurse, an engineer, anything. Those are all well-paying jobs. Those are great jobs that most people aim for, to live their American dream. Having a good job helps you live better. “I wish I would've studied longer”. she said. Although my mother had an education, she wishes she would have studied more to gain more knowledge. “If I would have studied longer, I wouldn't be living the life that I’m living now”. “I would’ve been living in my two story house, with a nice garden and pool. In a calm neighborhood.” I understand that my mother had great desires for her life. She didn't wish to have the life she has now. She had a good education, but she wishes she could have a better education, like the one that’s offered to us today. “The youth today don't take advantage of the education that they have right now, and later they’re going to want it. Then, they're going to need pay for it.” The education that there was when she was young wasn't so advanced. “Today’s education is way more advanced, because teachers have more knowledge. The technology in today s generation is extremely advanced as well. There are computers, cell phones, Ipads and many new things that help you get your work done. People have it easy now”. There’s no excuse for anybody not getting their work done.

“Owning a home makes you feel accomplished”. Owning a home was my mother’s American dream. It still is today. Everyone dreams of owning their own home. Whether it’s a little home or mansion people always dreamt of owning their own home. My mother always dreamed of owning her own home because she always thought of passing it down to her children and they can pass it down to their children and so on. “I still want to own my house, and I will before I leave”. Even though my mother is at the age she is right now, she still has dreams and hopes before she dies. That makes me very proud, because it makes me realize how great and pursuing my mother is.

The American dream is giving your children a better life that you had. My mother had five children. Almost of her children are grown. Two of them married with families. One with one child, and still growing. “The reason I work so much is for my children. Not just to pay the bills or rent, but to give them what they want. Growing up I didn't have much. I had about two pairs of jeans and a couple of shirts. I always wanted my children to be well dressed. I always wanted them to have toys, because I never had any toys. I wanted to give them anything I never had. I wanted my children to be happy!” she shared. My mother's dreams for her children were extremely important for her. Her dreams were that her children would have an education, and study the career that interested them. She wanted them to have a great job. She wanted them to get married and have a family. Although my mother’s dream for her children didn't come true, she isn't angry at them. “A mother can always believe in their kids, and hope for them to live a great life, but it’s always up to them. No matter how well or bad my children ended up, I would never put them down with the “you would've done this or that” ”you could be this or that”. I will love my children no matter what.” she mentioned. My mother wanted her children to live the American dream.

The American dream is living a life that you've always wished for. A life full of happiness and accomplishment. To my mother, she wished for all of this. She wished to live a peaceful life and to give her children a better life that she had. Even though she didn't make it to her American dream doesn't mean it isn't real. There’s people who went to school for years and are finally working the job that they studied all those years. A job that they're excited to wake up for. A job that they found interesting. That is a good job. Their job will soon get them the house and car that they've always dream of having. To some people the American dream just means being free. We all have different ideas of what the American dream is. We are all different, and we all have different opinions. Whatever your American dream is, you should do anything to make sure you accomplish it.

The author's comments:

I interviewed my mother on what she thought what the American dream is. 

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