The Adventures of the Boy Scout Camp | Teen Ink

The Adventures of the Boy Scout Camp

October 27, 2014
By J2Kahle BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
J2Kahle BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If your shens hurt, use the foam roller" - Dan Mix

As the moonlight reflected off the lake, the light wind made ripples in the water, making stunning glass-like images on the water.  It was a warm summer night. One of those nights where we go to a friend’s house and hangout, go ding-dong ditching, and watch Napoleon Dynamite.  The best about those summer nights is no school.  That was back when none of us had jobs though.  It was the night that my friends and I rode our bikes to the boy scout camp.

My friends and I go there to seek a sense of adventure as if we are some special ops military team. To this day I still flashback to the thought of my heart almost beating out of my chest.  That night we set out from Gabe’s house around 10:30.  Gabe opened the garage door, so all of us could get out the junky bikes.  “Gabe, wear this green safety vest, so the cars see you on the road,” said Gabe’s dad.  Besides the safety vest everybody wore dark colors, so we could blend into the shadows of the night.  We turned the air compressor on and pumped up the flat bike tires.  We always rode to the back entrance because in the front there is a house that we had to ride past, and it was the main entrance to the camp.  Plus, the back had nice bushes we could lay the bikes in to hide, which is always good.  It’s not the smartest decision to leave the get away ride in the open for people to see. 

We arrived at the camp, and we dropped our bikes behind the bushes at the gate.   That night the moon was out, shining bright, which gave us a good light to walk by. We were walking down the main trail, and I heard some faint voices.  I whispered, “Hey, guys, be quiet,” and so they did.  All of a sudden we all heard some more voices.  We could definitely tell the voices were coming from the hill in front of us.  Running up to the lake, a row of bushes stuck out a little ways and provided us some cover.  When we approached the bushes, they shook as my friend dove in them.  The rest of us crouched behind a patch of bushes.  Down the hill of the main trail, a car drove up!  As the car parked about twenty-five yards away from us, we watched two guys get out of the car.  They walked on a trail with their flashlights.  Not knowing if they were looking for us, I whispered, “Guys, stay low and be quiet.” The two guys chatted as they walked away from us.  Out of nowhere two more people come walking down the same trail from which the car came.  Randomly, my friend, Skyeler, stood up from behind the bushes, and I said, “Skyeler, what are you doing? Get down!”  My other friend, Chandler, was freaking out saying, “What are we going do?” 

“It will be okay. They’re not going to find us. We’re going to get out of here,” I told him.  We were worried they were looking for us; in fact, we were trespassing.  Our hearts were about ready to beat out of our chests with nervousness as adrenaline pumped through our bodies.

Once all of the traffic cleared, I said, “Guys, we have to go now!”  All of us took off running in the direction of our bikes.  Relieved we didn’t get caught we laughed, “Wow, I can’t believe that happened!”  With our heart rates slowed down, we rode our bikes back to Gabe’s house in the midst of the night.  With the excitement in our heads, we will never forget that night at the boy scout camp where we felt like special ops soldiers sneaking around.

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