i got chased | Teen Ink

i got chased

November 7, 2014
By asiankidjv BRONZE, Sacramento, California
asiankidjv BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One day, I was walking home from school. I was just 6 years old when this happened. I lived in my old neighborhood in elk grove.

So I got out of school and I was walking with my friends and we was just talking about the homework then we had to split he lived on the left and I lived on the right so we said bye to each other. Then I walked and walked I lived pretty far so then this dog pops out and barks at me. I stand and look at the dog for a while then I ran and ran then I didn’t look back then I crossed the street and this car pops out and hit the dog and I kept running then the guy in the car yelled, ‘’hey kid are you okay’’ and ignored him and kept walking and I took the long way home.

            So that’s the story I got chased and some things I got to say is look both ways before crossing the road and look out for dogs.

The author's comments:

look out for dogs

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