The Lost | Teen Ink

The Lost

December 19, 2014
By nuberaahmed SILVER, Lahore, Other
nuberaahmed SILVER, Lahore, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Lost in the rainforest of Himalayas I woke up stranded in the middle of nowhere.shivering, cold and numb, I had nothing to begin with. I figured I had to start from the scratch, how did I lad in some huge, vast forest where darkness seem to surround me, sounds from out of this world were in every direction. My instincts seem to be dead. Every direction I looked seemed the same and every cell of my body jarred and jolted with ache and pain and revolted the fact that survival may be impossible. I had to mind map the whole scenario. My memory seemed a distant thought, fading away and blurred as I try to bring it back. But then in a flash back I saw the inevitable fate past my eyes. I crash landed over here in the forest, but where was my plane? Yes I remember my chopper lost signal from the main tower, we didn’t see the snow covered peaks………. And then a sudden sting and my heart were thumping. I came back from my sub conscience. All of it was enough to make up to this. I began walking through the thick clumps of the trees. I had to find some place to rest. It was hard finding a notch in some trees bark but to my surprise I found an abandoned dark cave. My mind was dozing off shutting down; images of my life regret remorse and empathy. I wish I hadn’t committed myself to this top secret army mission. Mow I have to face the music. Suddenly I slept. The next morning was reassuring and comforting but the dark clouds of rain took made the hysterical terror to incline heavy. Another wet day. I was hungry and thirsty but there was no sign of food or water. So this wild desolate thought crossed my mind that why not spend the last few minutes of life in serenity rather than whingeing about everything. Part of me wanted to hide and part of me was resolute and hopeful that some air emergency will arrive and escort me to my home. But right now it seemed preposterous and absurd. This was an undercover mission and it was highly confidential. But then my eyes narrowed and my mind made calculations. I can make smoke signal to call for help. So put every ounce of effort and energy to the plan and achieving the desired results. I created a signal and now my life depended on it. Chop chop I was in Mr. Alan’s dental chair. A nap that was quite a scary adventure.

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