Mackenzie | Teen Ink


December 26, 2014
By Selcouth BRONZE, Milford, Ohio
Selcouth BRONZE, Milford, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Sharing is Caring, Knowledge is Power, but Power Corrupts, and so Ignorance is Bliss.

I've seen firsthand today what one death, painless for the victim, peaceful even, can do to a community, a school, a circle of friends, and those that don't know the person yet still grieve, because a young life was lost. A life that was just getting started, that still had so many firsts in front of them, but will never get the chance because God, or whomever deals with Death, said "No, I get this child". For child she was, Angel even, dear Mackenzie, when she slipped away from us, our hold, our love, our life, for some reason unbeknownst to us. But the thought that she is in Heaven somewhere, her own personal paradise, does not comfort us, only a slight bit, because it was too soon, too fast, too sudden, too sad for us. We will never again share in her smile, her laugh, her rambles, her tears, because she is gone from this Earth, but certainly not our Hearts, our Minds, our Memories, or our Prayers, because she has left an imprint on our souls, as all the dearly departed do, and we can only hope that wherever she is now, she is happy, experiencing her next great adventure, even if we can not partake in it alongside her.

The author's comments:

The death of a schoolmate, a friend, in May of this year, 2014, was sudden, unexpected, and sad.

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