"To Do" | Teen Ink

"To Do"

December 17, 2014
By Ashlynn Zurilgen BRONZE, Mariposa, California
Ashlynn Zurilgen BRONZE, Mariposa, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The original definition of drama was “to do”. This definition dates back to the primitive tribes where drama was acting out hunts and stories. Theatre evolved from the small seed of its first definition to the tall flower it is now. Just like the flower, theatre creates something; theatre creates a sense of expression, of freedom, of creativity.  You make people laugh, you make people cry. You evoke great emotions from people that simply “doing” does not evoke. So, the definition of theatre means so much more. As for me, the definition is along the lines of telling a story. You take people on a journey that they would normally not experience or have never thought of before. This, I believe, is the better definition of theatre. Rather “to tell and evoke emotion” than, simply, “to do”. “To do” is a vague definition, “doing” is an action that everyone does, so what makes theatre special? The experience.
My definition include my own experiences with theatre. I walk into a theatre to see the scenery outside the curtain setup, getting that first visual impression of what is about to take place. At the theatre each sense is engaged: the sight of the stage and characters, the sounds of the orchestra and actors, the smell of the seats, the feel of the playbill in my hands as I flip through it. As I sit I read through all the names; I read the previous plays each name and face has been in. I do not know the actors or the other people in the audience but we are about to share an experience. The orchestra starts the overture, combining each song of the succeeding play, and then the curtain opens, revealing the show; hundreds of pairs of eyes stare. Each character evoking emotion from me: laughter, sadness, shock. I go through the journey with the characters, the ups and downs, the surprises sending gasps through the audience. When the last scene ends the audience roars. The characters take their bows, the crowd still roaring like the sea. One final bow and the characters disappear, their story still within my memory. I replay the scenes in my head, loving each moment just as much as the first time I saw them. With every song, the play stays alive in my head. I can see the characters singing and dancing each song out just as they had that night. My experiences in theatre never leave me. Remembering the set, the songs, the characters, the story, how I felt before and after. The impact is strong.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by the feeling I get from theatre and my experiences in theatre. I just hope people are able to feel the magic of the theatre. Maybe it could inspired someone to go see a show or think about a show.

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