Log Twelve | Teen Ink

Log Twelve

January 3, 2015
By Makaoi SILVER, Traverse City, Michigan
Makaoi SILVER, Traverse City, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"May I die before what's mine is yours"

Log Twelve: The Code
There is a code. A ,sort of, human code. It is based on social cues, body language, and subliminal messaging. Take, for example, that a person wishes to be asked out by a specific other. The first person would not simply say “I want you to ask me out”-that would go against the code. The appropriate actions are as follows, person A would:
~Make themselves more attractive to Person B, on physical and behavioral terms
~Surround person B with themselves
~Reverse the attraction
It is primarily used to convey words that are better left unspoken, however can easily be contorted ,with the use of lies, to infect person B with particular feelings and thoughts that had previously only belonged to person A. Some call it manipulation, I call it the code.

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