The Little Girl | Teen Ink

The Little Girl

January 30, 2015
By Anonymous

A little girl, brown hair, bright blue eyes, sweetest little thing that you’ve ever met.  This little girl very mature for her age, she’s about 10 years old. Her parents former drug addicts. Went in to foster care at age four, found herself an awesome home, she is very lucky to be in a foster home where she was treated like their own. Her father went to parenting classes, fought for custody in court for years. Age 7 entering third grade moved back in with her father, he got his act together. Her father seeing a new woman, she’s very sweet, blonde hair, blue eyes, gorgeous. As the little girl got to know her she fell in love with her. The father’s girlfriend also fell in love with the little girl. As the years went on they spent Christmases together, she was always her valentine, they spend birthdays, every waking moment together. The little girl felt as that she had a mother again. The father had met the girlfriend in AA meetings which stands for Alcoholics Anonymous. She also happened to live in one of the rooms upstairs to where he lives in a basement apartment. She struggled with the drug and alcohol problem her entire life as did he. I guess they felt so connected and felt as if they weren’t alone in this dark scary world where drugs and alcohol can control your life. She, the girlfriend had four sons along with an ex husband. The second oldest boy had gotten into a car accident. He was riding his bike without a helmet, he got hit by SUV and he is now a vegetable for the rest of his life. She is so devastated, she just couldn’t believe that this could happen to her son. Couple years went on she dealt with it she visited him in the hospitals and nursing homes, the rehabilitation centers. She was doing great with the little girls father, they went to their meetings they lived together, even plan on getting married one day. Out of the blue she’s downstairs in their apartment, she has been sleeping for over 12 hours, the little girls father goes and checks on her to see if everything is okay, she barely responded. As the father spoke to her he concluded that she has overdosed on sleeping medication.  Now it is 1 AM the little girl sound asleep in her room suddenly wakes to the ruckus of the woman trying to get her balance. Now for some 10-year-olds it could be a bit confusing as to what is going on. But not for this little girl she knew exactly what was happening, the new mother she thought was going to always be there for her has done exactly what her birth mother has done. She felt abandoned she felt scared she didn’t know what to do. She pretended like she was sleeping so her father wouldn’t say anything to her. She saw the woman who she put all her trust in, falling, being in zero control of her body. Now her father is yelling, crying doesn’t know what to do, she’s high. He does not want that woman to be around his daughter when she is under the influence. So as any father would do he sent her away, he put her in a taxicab to a close friends house. Now the girlfriend feels utterly stupid for the action she has taken in a house with that little girl. She goes to another town meets up with one of her drug dealers. They’re getting high I guess she gets a little too high passes out. She has chronic seizures therefore she takes medication, she didn’t take her medication that day.  It just so happens that, that very day she has one of her seizures. She falls hits her head. The guy she’s with doesn’t call an ambulance for 72 hours. Once he calls the ambulance, she gets to hospital, they call the little girls father. Obviously as a caring boyfriend would do he runs down there in a panic freaking out, feeling as if this is all his fault, he could’ve prevented it by just keeping her at the house. But if he did he would’ve put that little girl he fought so hard for in danger. They concluded after a whole bunch of tests that she is brain-dead, she is a vegetable, she will be one for the rest of her life. So the little girls father and the woman’s mother decide to pull the plug. She’s dead. The father has to break the news to the little girl. He has to break the news that the woman that she found love for after her own birthmother abandoned her was dead.  The little girl doesn’t take it easily. She holds it all in, pretends everything will be okay. But everything was not okay inside her mind. She attended the funeral and the wake although she didn’t go in, she sat the car and she cried the entire time. She had been in therapy since she was four so the parents thought that just keeping her in therapy will help her work through this. Although what they didn’t know was that therapy wasn’t working. She got older she became depressed, she had anxiety, abandonment issues, eating disorders. She felt she was obligated to help save everyone, she put everybody else’s feelings in front of hers. She’s become a martyr. She’s still in therapy, dealing with present issues.  She still never dealt with the issue of the woman she loved died, abandoned her just as her mother did. She’s 15 now hiding behind colored hair, concerts, and heavy metal music. She feels so lost in this world not knowing which way is left or which is right. Having this sit on her mind 24/7, is a big issue. An issue that she wants to deal with, but can’t seem to do. Easier said than done. So this little girl is writing this story.

The author's comments:

Ive always loved to write. This is my first time writing about a personal experience.

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