From Nothing To Something | Teen Ink

From Nothing To Something

February 10, 2015
By aldo ojeda BRONZE, Arllington Tx, Texas
aldo ojeda BRONZE, Arllington Tx, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In 1998,

a young couple came to Texas. They had came to Texas seeking a better life and future. They had to overcome many things when they first got here. Times were tough for them but they managed to get through 2 years.

   In June 21, 2000 there first kid was born. Although the couple didn't have that much money. They tried the best they could to give the child the best things possible.

  Not that much later, on September 14, 2002 they had their second child. Things became harder with trying to support 2 kids wit not that much money. They tried as best as they possibly could to keep them well fed and also to keep a roof above there head and clothes on there back.

  The kids on there birthday were lucky to even get one slice of cake for them self’s. Where none of them ever got a real birthday party. the young couple couldn't afford to pay for a birthday party.

  The oldest kid one day asked,

"Ama un dia podemos it al chuck e cheese?"

The mother and father replied to the kid, "perdon Mijo Pero no podemos ir, alamejor otro dia"

With tears in his face the kid wondered why couldn't he go to chuck e cheese like other kids in his class could? He thought why do other kids have good nice toys but I don't? He was just curious, why couldn't he get what others have.?

On June 21, 2004 his parents had waken the birthday boy up. And sang happy birthday to him. His parents both handed him a piece of cake in a plastic container. they said,

"Feliz cumpleaños Mijo a qui esta tu pastel"
And gave him a kiss as they sat down to watch him eat his cake, the kid noticed something. He noticed that his younger brother wanted some cake as well.

He quickly ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife and 2 other plates. he began to cut his slice into 3 equal pieces of cake. He placed them on different plates. And slowly began to hand them. He gave one to his mom, one to his dad, & the last one to his younger brother. His mom got so emotional she began to tear up and cry.

She said "ay Mijo, te quiero mucho."

The kid just hugged her tight and told her, "yo tambien te quiero mucho ama."

Later that year on his way to go pick up his mom from her work he saw the chuck e cheese. Again he asked If he could go & his dad told him "ay Mijo, Si te podriera llevar lo hiciera. Pero no tenemos lo suficiente dinero"

The kid felt bad and the dad noticed it. But the dad couldn't do nothing about it. But watch his kids get sad over not being able to afford what they wanted to do.

Christmas was almost here, the oldest child asked for a lot of things. Including wanting to go to chuck e cheese. that year all the kid and his younger brother got were 2 small toys. But despite the fact he didn't get what he wanted, he knew that's all his parents could give him so he was happy. Him and his brother passed all there time playing with there new toy.

   The next year it was Jan 2, 2005. the dad got a phone call that would bring a lot of happiness to the family. He had gotten a job that will pay him beyond what he made where he worked at the time. That same day him and his crew started working. Making more money then usual he knew that it was time to celebrate.

  On May about 1 month before his sons birthday he took both of his kids to chuck e cheese. Where they have been wanting to go for a long time. The kids weren't expecting it. They just thought they were going to go pick up mom from work and go back home. But no they picked mom up and stopped at chuck e cheese.

The smile on the kids faces was priceless, they were supper happy. They finally got to go where they always wanted to go too. The kids played and played for a long time. Then went to a table and got food. As they were eating there dad calls them and his wife too.

While trying not to cry he said,

"Minos ha hora Si puedo darles lo que siempre Han queriod", as he began to just cry. They all hugged him tight and told him they loved him.

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