The Beauty of Nature | Teen Ink

The Beauty of Nature

March 26, 2015
By Shipra Velega BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Shipra Velega BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  What is nature? I can tell you! Nature is the earth itself, not including distractions such as humans. Some people just don’t take out the time to look at their surroundings. It is made of elements people should admire. Green is a relaxing color to look at and if nature is seen closely, the scenery is blotted with that color. It’s on the leaves, on the mountains as grass. Other than appearance, nature is also filled with the sense of freshness and health. Nature is like no other. The city pollutes the fresh air that nature provides. Many humans drive cars which run on gasoline. When a car drives, it releases gasoline, which is mixed into the air we breathe.  It’s very simple to experience the wonders of nature where the sky is clear. Some things I enjoy doing on the weekends are to simply go outside and water the plants. It helps me grow closer with nature. In Yosemite, I was the closest to nature as I ever had been before. In spring, the flowers bloom and show off their bright colors. Fall must be my favorite from all the seasons. Leaves fall on the ground making a pattern. The sight of leaves falling to the ground is artistic; it usually creates the inspiration to paint the tree. In winter, the air is cold and snow drops softly from the cloudy sky. Snowflakes are extremely detailed. Snow is a form of nature even if it doesn’t fall much here in California. The weather grows hot in the summer and sometimes plants dry up form drought. Even this is a part of nature, because when it rains, the plants have enough water to bloom again. Nature is beautiful in more than a thousand ways, and there is no harm in going out of your way to see and feel it.

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