the real meaning of avid to me | Teen Ink

the real meaning of avid to me

March 30, 2015
By beautifuldancer15 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
beautifuldancer15 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The school’s definition of AVID is Advanced Via Individual Determination… In my version of what AVID means to me is just what I am about to tell you so sit down at the coffee table pour yourself a cup of coffee and or tea and let me tell you what AVID means to me.

Kezia, Jermaine, Julaine, Davashay, Bear, Andrea, Micheal, Jenayah, Edward, Alexis, Paige, Roy… And the momma of the closest Family is Mrs.Ford. I could go on and on about AVID and how it is to help me prepare myself for college but, I wanna go in a different direction, In a poem I titled (Why Do I Feel Love Outside My Own Home) and I let you know why but, what I didn’t tell you was that on the other side of the track I have another family and they all belong to John Dickinson High School and our home is in room (B202).
AVID is the family I can always depend on the either get a good laugh or a good argument. Sometimes I feel like I don’t belong there myself then here comes this voice I see every day that says “What’s Up Which You Kezia How You Feeling… Chilling, Yup.” That voice just makes me smile and realize even if the rest don’t recognize me I always has my bro Jermaine to ask me how my day was and is.
My family is funny yet fishy sometimes like we could be cool one minute then fighting the next but, isn’t that what families do. I just wanna say to my AVID family even though I might not see you all the time or even not talk to you all the time I just want all of you to know that I really do appreciate all that you have done for me and that I love you.

I hereby certify that this is my own writing and is completely original.

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