Mother | Teen Ink


May 1, 2015
By JLAImBatMan555 GOLD, Lexington, North Carolina
JLAImBatMan555 GOLD, Lexington, North Carolina
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

She is made of steel, stone, brick, concrete, ash, she is the strongest of all women, not physically, but mentally and emotionally,this woman of strong mentality, is not just a woman, but also a mother. My mother, and her name, is Michelle Anthony, she was born diabetic, and when she was about three she got into a car accident, which caused her precious, warm, youthful, glistening, hand to snap, crackle, and pop, like rice crispy treats if you will. The car rolls as you could hear sirens yelling and pleading for the people to be alive, sounded something like this, BEDDOW, BEDDOW, BEDDOW!!! Michelle woke up in a hospital...she cries as the agonizing pain punches with every dying, strong breath it could take, yet that isn’t enough to stop her. Michelle later realizes , as she feels her scalp curiously, as she feels her head isn’t round, my left side of my skull is gone!, she says. She screams and starts to panic as the doctor walks in to calm her down, and talk with her. The doctors says, as he calms her down with his soft soothing voice, “You have no right side of your skull, but the good news is you can do some of the normal things you use to do, but the bad news”, he said as he knew this would upset her, and probably make her panic even more, but he asserted her. “You’ll have to learn to write with your left hand now”. Michelle stared at the doctor….. The wiltering emotions that laid within her steel body began to burst out into the place known as reality, yet she didn’t let it consume her, for she knew she could fight it, for she has fought every other challenge that has been thrown at her.  Michelle became hungry, she smelt the air with her mighty steel broad ax that laid above her lips. She asked the doctor if she could have something to eat, the doctor says, no you need to take your medication for pain, and we need to do blood work on you. BLOOD WORK!!! Medications for Pain, they're going to take my blood,but give me medication for pain!!! Are you serious? Michelle lays motionless….tastes the crispy chicken, as the aroma of warmth and seasoned fries filled it’s way through her nose and mouth to her stomach, as her stomach makes a sound of death. The doctor gives her medication and the nurses take her blood, as she eats. The satisfaction of food in her stomach made her tingly inside, the doctor knocks on the door as he says, “you may go home now”.  They take every IV out, as she leaps out of bed(but not enough to fall on her face, that would be bad, she’d have to get back in bed for them to examine her face, if she did that). She drives home as she gets flashback of the car accident, but snaps out of it before she goes off the road, she then focuses on the road, she gets about half a mile away from home as her right arm tingles. She gasps, what’s happening to my arm? It goes away, she arrives at home and managed to stay at home for a couple of months, but then death follows her, stalking her just to get a grasp at her heart, she falls to her knees in pain and calls 911, I rush into the livingroom, I tell her fight mom FIGHT! She holds on, the ambulance arrives as tears rush down my face like, like some great force has exposed me to death itself, it was just like death was face to face with me, taunting me. I scream, AHHHHH!! Then I resist the urge to punch a wall, as i look up to the sky, and wonder why the all mighty God has put this on her like a elephant on a person. We arrive at the hospital again, to find out she had a heart attack, later that night, Michelle went through Quadruple bypass surgery, only to awaken to find out her father, and my grandfather died. Why is death so sudden,so cruel? Is it cause the people in this world are? Or is it merely his purpose to kill. This woman of steel keeps fighting, she faces every challenge with tenacity, bravery, courage, unknowingly, and strong, as she powers through the face of danger, she is a mother, a daughter, an Angel, a gift, so merely hidden to society, that society is hidden to her, she hides in it, like a ghost, she is, Michelle. 

The author's comments:

My mother inspired me to write this because, she has been through a war, she has almost died 7 times, but she powers through life with each step STRONG. With the help of me, she won't die young, I saved her once from going into a coma due to her low blood sugar. That day could have been the day I not only lost my grandpa, but also my mother, he has done everything for me,who struggles to put food on the table. That is why I wrote this, for her.

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