Falling Into Fall | Teen Ink

Falling Into Fall

June 3, 2015
By Victoria Rose Meek BRONZE, Coronado, California
Victoria Rose Meek BRONZE, Coronado, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

September, October, and November are a trilogy of amazing months. The smooth transition from summer into autumn is a truly marvelous time. It is amazing how the atmosphere around us completely changes with each season, for so many activities revolve around the weather. It is feverishly warm one day and refreshingly brisk the next. Yet the adaptions necessary for this transition, such as the adjustment to food and clothing, are the real distinguishing factors of the months. Subsequently, it is as if each one of my five senses is altered with the coming of a new season.

Sight. I love watching the transition of style from nothing but tank tops, sandals, and bikinis to soft sweaters, scarfs, and boots that keep everyone bundled up in the crisp fall air. I love noticing the progression from clear blue and sunny skies to grey cloudy ones. I also love watching the bushy tails of squirrels running up trees to hide their acorns for the winter and watching the geese fly south for warmth. Finally, I love driving up to Julian, far up in the mountains, to watch the leaves fall from their branches as they turn from vibrant greens to soft reds and oranges. These sights, revealed to me by the months of September, October, and November, make me feel relaxed, thankful for my family, and blessed to be living another day.

Touch. I like the rough texture of freshly fallen pinecones as I collect them in my hands for household décor. I like the sensation of warm, fuzzy blankets covering my body and of steaming mugs of hot cocoa between my chilled hands. I like the feeling of the cool breeze against my rosy cheeks as I ride my bike to school. Lastly, I like the slimy feeling of gooey pumpkin seeds between my fingers as I carve a pumpkin for Halloween.

 Sound. I enjoy the rustling sound of rakes raking dry leaves. I enjoy the calm sound of insects singing a sweet autumn tune and the utterance of obnoxious crows screaming as they fly away from stuffed scarecrows.  I also thoroughly enjoy hearing the scramble for Christmas gifts at the mall, as December quickly approaches. These natural sounds keep me at peace with myself by reminding me that genuine marvel comes from the purity of nature and interaction with people around me, not twenty-first century distractions.


Taste. A more common sense, taste is one that puts most everyone into the holiday spirit. I adore the sweet taste of Julian apple pie and crispy, warm apple turnovers. I adore the tart taste of apple cider, both cold and hot, as well as the sticky crunch of perfectly ripe, caramel-coated apples. I adore pumpkin bread stuffed with a creamy cream cheese filling and juicy turkey during Thanksgiving. Furthermore, I adore seasonal cinnamon swirl toast topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar.

Scent. The most powerful sense of all. Scent is what records lasting memories, which is why it happens to be my favorite sense. I believe scent is what really captures the essence of fall.  I cherish the smell of berry jam and pumpkin spice lattes in coffee shops. I cherish spices like cinnamon and nutmeg used to make scrumptious pumpkin pie, whose aroma fills the entire house. I cherish the smoky smell of fireplaces and the fragrance of cedar that burns off into the atmosphere. But most of all, I cherish the savory scent of ginger bread cookies and snicker doodles fresh out of the oven.

There is no better stretch of time than that of autumn. Every little detail makes the holiday season just so happy and cheerful. It affects every person in a different way, but every person is awakened from the deep sleep of work and technology because this mystical season has the power to make everyone feel alive! I appreciate every aspect of the transformed atmosphere, and the fact that it only comes once a year makes it that much more breathtaking. I yearn for this sensational season to return each year, but not all at once, for falling into fall is when all the magic happens. 

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