Reflective Piece | Teen Ink

Reflective Piece

June 8, 2015
By Anonymous

In the begging of the semester I was kind of nervous on my writing, so I really didn’t like it like that. Now since I had a little practice my problem got better, I’m not afraid to read aloud, let people read my work and many more.  At the begging of the semester I could barely right on a subject for so long and I could really write a well-developed paper. This class has change all of that I learned how to make an interesting 5 paragraph essay easy. My favorite piece was the Short story because I put a lot of work in it, and basically most of the technique I learned this semester I used in my short story. If I had a chance to spend more time on one of my pieces I would pick my memoir. This class improved me a lot but I wouldn’t see myself as a writer, maybe someone who writes from time to time but other than that no.

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