Help Me | Teen Ink

Help Me

July 22, 2015
By Anonymous

What is his name? The cop asked me. I replied Tyler.  “How do you know him?” I lied and said I met him at a parking lot party. The cop kept asking me questions for a bout another hour. The very last question the cop asked me was “ When did this all start?” This all started eight months ago.

January 23 exactly when I was on Instagram and I came along this guy. His name was Tyler and he posted a picture on Instagram on how all girls should be treated like diamonds because they’re precious. I thought that was impressive for a guy to post and I wanted to get to know him. I decided to direct message him. I said “Hey what’s up?”  He replied 10 minutes later and we started talking.

We talked everyday, then he asked me if I wanted to meet him at a movie theater. I said sure! I told him I was going to bring a friend because I was uncomfortable meeting him alone. He said that’s fine. We met a week later. Then on January 23 he asked me out!

I didn’t tell my parents because I didn’t think of it as a big deal. He came over my house two times and then when my mom asked him questions he started replying with weird responses. “Where do you live?” My mom asked. His reply was “ I don’t know”. After that night my mom told me I was not allowed to communicate with him or see him anymore because she did not like his personality.

I said whatever okay and never listened to her. He texted me the next day, “Hey how’s everything?” he asked. “Good I had a great time last night” I replied. We kept texting 24-7 non-stop. He seemed like such a sweet guy.  Everyday he would say, “How’s your day going”. I thought he was so nice to ask me that everyday. He was so caring and companionate.

He told me to lie to my parents telling them how I was going out with girls and he would be the only one there. I said okay and listened to him. Then during the 3rd month we started knowing more about each other and he told me how he is suicidal and he is into cutting his wrists. I felt very bad for him and I told him he could always tell me when he feels like doing anything and I will be there for him.

The last three months in our relationship changed drastically. Many things started happening he was diagnosed with Leukemia in November and had to go through many Chemo treatments. My mom found out that I had been seeing him and got very mad. She told me the next time I saw him she will be getting the cops involved. I never saw him again.

Then the next day my mom borrowed my phone for a second to look up something. I got a notification from Tyler and my mom clicked on it. It said “if you hangout with any other guys I will kill you”. I thought of it as a joke and that he was only kidding. My mom kept reading more and more of our conversation and got very worried.

I asked her what was wrong. She told me how I was in an abusive relationship. She called the 4th precinct and told them the situation.  Ten minutes later a cop came to my house and questioned me on the situation. While the cop was reading my conversation with Tyler he also told me this was abusive and controlling.

The cop left my house an hour later and said he will be stopping back again in a couple of days. Later that night I got a text from Tyler. It said, “What the hell is wrong with you, you told the cops!” I replied to him “My mom saw our conversation I’m so sorry.” Then he replied “I’m going to kill you…”

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This article has 1 comment.

Chala SILVER said...
on Aug. 6 2015 at 11:33 pm
Chala SILVER, Sonora, California
8 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."-The Great Gatsby
"All the world's a stage."-Hamlet

I'm sorry that you had to go through that.