If I Could, I Would | Teen Ink

If I Could, I Would

October 20, 2015
By CamMakenzie BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
CamMakenzie BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Does life ever just get so hard and stressful that all you want is to run away from it all? Is there a field or lake that you run to just so you can find your peace of mind? Are there things on your bucket list that you wish you could finally check off? We all know how hard life can be; stress after stress, it all just piles up on you. What are you to do? Well, the responsible thing. Stay and deal with it. But, what would you do if you could? I’ll tell you what I’d do. I’ll tell you that although I’m “just a 16-year old girl in high school” I too have loads of stress just weighing me down. Clean your room, save up for college, do your homework, go to work, go to school, get 8 hours of sleep, be happy, have a social life. It’s all so much and there's this constant feeling of drowning. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way, about anything. But, just imagine packing up with your favorite person and leaving all of it behind, all the stress and worries. Just imagine.


If I could I would do the one thing I’ve always wanted to do. I would pack up my car with the belongings I’d need, grab my best friend and just drive. No destination in mind because where we end up would be a part of the fun. Just me and my favorite person and nothing but the open road. You would see so much of the world and meet some of the best people along the way. One day you could be in Colorado hiking in the mountains as the morning air swept by you, nothing but the smell of nature hitting your nose. You’d stop along the way up and look at what's around you. Your eyes meet the millions of trees that lay on the ground before you and it goes on for miles. You then notice how the clouds look like a painting, a soft and gentle painting and the sky is a beautiful shade of blue. Just then you see a animal off to the distance, you both make eye contact for a brief moment before it runs off into the trees. You then look to see that you get to enjoy all of this with your favorite person. You count your blessings as you finish hiking up. The next day you’re admiring the California beach. The way the sand feels on your feet, and how the waves sound so calming and every so often the water tickles your ankles as it reaches the shore. You look off to the distance and see a couple with a baby in their arms and you appreciate life as it is. Every day would be a new experience in a new place. How peaceful is that? That's why if I could I, without a doubt, would.

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