The Nutcracker | Teen Ink

The Nutcracker

October 28, 2015
By alexismata123 BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
alexismata123 BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My local dance studio is presenting The Nutcracker this December. I just started ballet about a year ago so when I was told I was allowed to try out for a lead part, I was was excited. I had just gotten my pointe shoes, but I was still so new to the world of ballet. I knew that if I wanted a role, I would have to work harder than everyone else. So I would stay in after classes  and stand at the bar and practice my techniqe. I would ever miss one rehersal just to show how deticated I was. My ballet teacher told me how she saw how hard I was working and that she was impressed with my improvements. So when it came to the final day when she would post our lead roles, I ran faster to the board to quickly find my name. At first I didn't see my name on the paper and I realized I didnt get a role, but just as I was about to look away I saw my name at the very bottom as the rat Queen. I was so excited I couldn't contain myself. I have been enjoying everyday that I get to be apart of my dance famiy anf now I know that if I really deticate myself I can acheive anything. I wouldn't change a single thing about it. 

The author's comments:

My passion for dancing inspired me to write this short essay.

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