Choice with Words | Teen Ink

Choice with Words

November 12, 2015
By Hladrigan BRONZE, Napa, California
Hladrigan BRONZE, Napa, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I believe that words can hurt, but I don’t have to let them. People say something without thinking, something rude or mean, but it’s up to you how you take it in. You’re the one who can control your feelings, deciding whether to take it in or push it aside.

I know this because it happened to me. It was the summer before 8th grade and I had gone to camp. I love camp so much because it makes me feel happy. At camp I am free and I don't get judged for anything I do, say,or am which to me is amazing.

But one day  there was a conversation that I overheard and it hurt. Someone had said, “She probably got adopted just because they felt bad for her and I’m pretty sure her real parents don't even love her.” When I heard that comment, I started to think for a couple minutes. I was extremely upset and confused on why they would say that about me. All I wanted to do was walk up to them and confront them angrily, saying that's not true, but I just decided to be the bigger person and walked away. These two girls, who I didn't even know, were talking about me being adopted.  They both were so into a conversation they didn't even see me, which was really funny. I was so entertained by their conversation that I didn't even notice that I wasn't trying to hide myself from listening in.
After a couple minutes I needed to sneeze, but  thought it was a silent one so I did sneeze, but I also tried to cover it up. When I did, the two girls looked over at me. Once they realized that I heard practically the whole conversation, they’re faces were priceless. They looked a little bit guilty but didn't really cared that I heard. They tried to cover it up, but they did it poorly. I walked up to them with a smile and said, “Next time say it to my face,” I then Walked away all sassy.  I felt accomplished and happy that I did that.

AsI was walking away, I pretended that I never heard that because I personally knew that it wasn't true. I know that not everyone is going to be nice about the fact that I am adopted. Honestly, I don't care because it's my life not theirs. I am happy that I got adopted by my two amazing parents who mean the world to me, I see them as my real parents. I know they love me, and I love them, so that's all that matters.

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