All You Have to Do Is Smile | Teen Ink

All You Have to Do Is Smile

November 12, 2015
By CamiNichole BRONZE, Naoa, California
CamiNichole BRONZE, Naoa, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I believe that a smile can make someone's day.

Everyone has good and bad days, and the best feeling in the world is when you get a meaningful smile from a complete stranger. As a child, I was raised to always smile at people no matter what, even if it is a random person that I made eye contact with at the grocery store. So growing up I always remembered to smile and to smile from ear to ear. Doing this as a young adult made me realize not to judge people by their appearance and to treat everyone the same way. A smile is meaningful with a purpose to change someone’s day for the better.

It was a blazing summer day in Napa and my mother was on her way to pick me up from my dad’s house so we could get our nails done. I hadn’t gone to get my nails done in months and the excitement was rushing out of me. Once I noticed her car approaching my house, I ran outside to get into the car. As I opened the door and looked at my mother, by the expression on her face, I knew something was wrong. Just from that look, all of my excitement disappeared. She told me that she was so sorry, but that my kitten, Roe, had been hit by a car and died. As I heard these horrid words, I froze, because she was my baby kitten that I adored like crazy. I didn’t know what to do other than to cry, so I did.

Once we got to the nail salon I wiped away my tears and put a smile on my face. Although I’m guessing I didn’t do a very good job considering when we opened the door each lady in there looked at me with sympathy and compassion. I sat down in a large, comfy looking chair unaware that I was the center of attention. I was quiet, barely speaking a word, until one older lady that was doing my mother's nails told me that I was a beautiful girl and she gave me a smile that I knew she meant. I couldn’t help but smile back and thank her.

As that lady smiled at me, nothing could’ve made me feel better, it had felt like the sorrow inside of me had been lifted out. It was like my mother never even told me that Roe had passed and like this was just a normal day. And even though it was real and it did happen, I was okay and I knew that I was going to get through this just because of one smile. A smile is a great thing, mostly because when you mean it, it shows. You can see the happiness from the person's smile and how they wanted to make you happy. When you receive a smile from someone you don’t even know, it shows you the good in the world. Reasons to stay blessed and grateful for the things you do have, and all of the victorious things you will accomplish in your life. To make people feel better from a smile you have to mean it, just show them that no matter what, everything will be okay.

I believe that a smile can make someone’s day

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