Just the Four of Us, Just the Seven of Us | Teen Ink

Just the Four of Us, Just the Seven of Us

November 19, 2015
By Ealvrockz BRONZE, Hemet, California
Ealvrockz BRONZE, Hemet, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On Friday, my whole life changed. Thursday, was my last normal day. Thursday morning I woke up, went to the bathroom and I saw the same four toothbrushes that I did every morning. I grab my tooth brush, apply the tooth paste, and I start to brush. I walk out of the bathroom and walk into my room to finish getting ready for school. I walk out of my room and I hear a door open, I look to my left and I see both of my brothers walk out of their rooms. They walk to the kitchen and eat breakfast with me, then a few moments later my sister joins us. Just the four of us. Just the four of us eating together, getting ready together, sitting in the car together. We come home together, just the four of us, my sister, my two brothers, and me. We eat dinner togeter, we do everything together, but little did we know that was the last day that it was just be the four of us together. Friday morning, I woke up and it was the same process, the four of us together. Eating, getting ready, sitting in the car, and getting picked up. We walk into the house, I open the door to see three kids, that we had never seen on our block or in our house before, sitting on the couch in our living room. Two boys and one girl. Now they are ours, they are now part of us four. Which means more responsibility for me since I'm the oldest, more laundry to do, more chores to get done, more kids I have to watch, more stress for me, just more of everything. Now I wake up every morning and I see seven toothbrushes. Now there is seven of us that do things together. Which meant that everything would soon begin to change; and they did. New house, new city, new school, new friends, new classes, and new brothers and sister. Now it's just the seven of us that do things together. We eat together, get ready together, laugh together, fight together, just us seven together. Everything now is so different, before it was just the four of us and now its the seven of us, the seven of us together. Four brothers, two sisters, and me, that's right. It went from four to seven. Just the seven of us together.

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