Imagery Through My Brain and Eyes | Teen Ink

Imagery Through My Brain and Eyes

November 22, 2015
By Emerald01 ELITE, Charlotte, North Carolina
Emerald01 ELITE, Charlotte, North Carolina
182 articles 13 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are always feeling every emotion, but only a few are screaming."

You might find me in the corner of a party or the center of a room. You might see my wavy brown hair as it gets lighter from where the red faded on the tips. I have an ivory glow about me you can read my emotions inside of me what I am feeling or thinking. My shy outlook will unlock if you grasp the key. My emerald eyes stand out in a crowd even when I want to fade away with the darkness. Sometimes I want to fade away in to the invisibility cloak other times I can be so out there by wearing a shirt with my fave movie or book. You may see me fall away during class because I saw a poster of World War II. As I sink back and imagine what it would be like if I was actually there. When I bend my hand my veins stick out weirdly. My smile has a weird curve which has always found me with the worst school pictures. My feet hallow as I move, my voice soft or can be very deep. I have a look about me where everyone always knows when I am upset, mad, confused, or excited. I have a limit although I may seem excited and energetic at times I also need my alone time. You may find me talking to animals, or dancing with friends, curled up in a corner with a good book. I can feel all eyes on me as I breathe slowly. I have this flow about me where I can relate and picture every situation and convince myself it is happening to me. This can be a good thing or bad. People always assume the worst some think I am weird or a freak the odd thing is they think all this because I have been so shy in my past. People have judged me based on the fact that I am very shy when not comfortable. They base this on what? They have never talked to me before. Anyway you probably know who this is by now but if you do not let me add. Writing is my passion you can hide behind a character and solve you deepest pains secretly. I love animals very much and see myself as a spider, quiet at first but if you watch them for a while they begin to do incredible things.

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