The Story That Needed to be Told | Teen Ink

The Story That Needed to be Told

December 2, 2015
By caseykellems BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
caseykellems BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“If opportunity does not not, build a door” said Milton Berle. I am taking this child to fill the pitcher that she decided to throw at me. I picked up Helen and stormed out to the water pump to restore what she had done. I started to pump then she began to pump with me so I spell P-U-M-P in her hand and grab her hand and push up and down and as I keep pumping she suddenly starts to feel  the water and at first  not sure what or why she is doing it. she drops the pitcher and at first I am frustrated then I realized why she dropped it.

Throughout this entry I, Annie Sullivan will explain what happened at the water pump. So as the story continues Helen starts to run her hands underneath the water pump feeling the water and trying to spell it. As the water is still running I spell W-A-T-E-R to her and she  spells it back! Then she tries to speak. “Wah- Wah” “Wah Wah! She runs off and starts to feel around she finally understands she runs up to Mrs. Keller I spell M-O-T-H-E-R she spells it back so I take her to Captain Keller and I spell P-A-P-A she spells it back. We ran around and she felt the flowers I spelt F-L-O-W-E-R-S then she touched my face and spelt T-E-A-C-H-E-R she finally understands. I feel the start of a new beginning.

My worries and concerns are Helen not retaining her knowledge because they coddle her too much. Helen may be able to understand now but the real question is will she be able to understand it in the future? Helen  may be smart but they may undo what I have accomplished by clinging to her every need like they did before and be a defect in her learning. I have got so far and now I must teach her more. I know Helen is capable of learning beyond my teaching capabilities  but the problem is, can I still teach her without depriving her of the knowledge she needs? Will she be able to use her knowledge in times when she really needs it? Will Helen be able to live a normal life with what I have given her? These are the true mysteries that only Helen can chose to solve.

How I plan to handle the situation. I, Annie Sullivan plan to take charge of Helen. As Henry David Thoreau said “ Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined”. Helen will learn everything she can in her lifetime. I plan on staying with Helen and being her teacher for the rest of her life. I will always be at her side and I will help guide and teach her through her childhood and adulthood. I will also make sure her parents will never cosset Helen again. I will stay by her side until the day I die or she dies. I will be her lifetime teacher and make sure no one babies her anymore. No more pampering Helen. Helen will learn without her parents doing everything for her. I will force upon her learning to her parents, James, Aunt Ev and anyone who tries to stand in my or her way.

What I learned was “ Life is like the ocean, it can be calm or still, or rough or rigid, but in the end it is always be beautiful”   said by an unknown person. I have learned that no matter how bad the situation can be or will be, never give up on your dreams or someone else’s. I believed in Helen when no one else did and now Helen is learning and is capable of so many great things. The trick to success is to believe in yourself and in others and you will always feel successful. You may not always win the battle but you can always feel good about what you have accomplished.

The author's comments:

It is about the water pump scene in the Miracle Worker.

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