Sunday Morning | Teen Ink

Sunday Morning

December 10, 2015
By Courtney2x BRONZE, Amherst, New York
Courtney2x BRONZE, Amherst, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a beautiful warm Sunday morning. The sun was gleaming into the kitchen, birds were singing and I smelled the refreshing summer air.

"Good morning" I beamed. It was almost time for church, so we were in a bit of a rush to make breakfast. I climbed excitedly into my favorite chair, and popped my bagel in the toaster. I sat on the table to wit for my meal.

"Good morning." My mom said as she strode into the kitchen. "How'd you sleep?" She inquired.

"Great!" I responded excitedly. I was always in such a positive mood on wonderful mornings like this.


My bagel was finished, so i climbed back up to the toaster, and placed my food on a plate. I'd noticed before that. My chair was a bit unstable. However this was my regular routine, and I was always careful. I knew I shouldn't have been standing in a chair, but I was a very independent little girl and didn't like asking for help. My wobbly chair didn't stop me any other time. I turned toward my mom's direction.

"Can you hand me the- BOOM! I'd fell backwards off out of my chair , and me head slammed the counter behind me. Everyone rushed to My rescue.

"Are you okay?" My brother asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I strained to get up.

"Stay right there." My mom demanded. "Go get her a damp cloth." She ordered my brother.

When my brother returned with the cloth, my mom gently held the cloth to my head, grabbed my arm and helped me to my feet.

"Ouch!" I cried. This is when I started to feel the stinging pain in my head. It was like 100 bee stings. I carefully struggled to stand, depending on my mom's guidance.

"Careful" she said. "Go slow"

The ride to the hospital felt as if it was the longest I'd ever endured. I rushed my mom the whole way there, only to discover there was another wait in the ER.

After a long, painful 15 minutes, I was finally called.

"What happened?" The doctor inquired.

"I fell."

"What were you doing when you fell?"

"Trying to make breakfast."

"Well, let's see the damage."

The doctor snapped his gloves on to examine my wound.

"Looks like you hit your head pretty good, Court. You might need a few stitches."

Not stitches, I thought. It was my worst fear. I sat up, turned around and looked my doctor in his vibrant green eyes.

"No stitches! I can't do it!" I cried. I felt tears streaming down my rosy red cheeks
      "You'll be fine, you're a tough girl." He explained assuringly.
      "I don't want stitches." I repeated.
      "I'll see what I can do."

The doctor got out of his seat, guided my mom out of the room, and they began talking. It made me nervous. Why didn't he want me to hear them?

After a short while, they returned.

"Courtney, you're in luck! Today, we're going to be using skin glue. A great, virtually painless alternative to stitches."

This filled me with joy. I didn't have to face my fears today.

The doctor left the room, and returned with a few instruments. He began the minor operation. Within five minutes, it was all over!

 "That's it!"

I still felt a dull, stinging pain, but at least I didn't get stitches. I thanked the doctor frantically. He picked me up, placed me down and explained to me;

"No more standing in chairs little one. You are to ask your mother for help from now on."

I looked up at the tall lenky man. He was my superhero.

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