Her Hazel-Green Eyes | Teen Ink

Her Hazel-Green Eyes

December 8, 2015
By Boucherj BRONZE, Amherst, New York
Boucherj BRONZE, Amherst, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The song started playing, my heart gradually quickened in beats. She grabbed my hand, my palms were sweaty but I knew she didn’t mind. I led her towards the center of the gym, our fingers interlocked, and we found our friends. At first i didn’t move. I just stood there in awe. Her dark brown hair was wrapped in an elegant bun with two loose strands spiraling downwards. Her sapphire blue dress glistened like her hazel-green eyes when she looked at me.

She looked perfect.
I gently placed my hands on her hips, her's found my shoulders. The song picked up as we swayed side to side. I looked her directly in her eyes, I couldn't help but smile.
"I can't take you seriously." she snickered with a shy-like smile.
"Shh." I whispered.

I can’t believe after all these years—through all the fights and all the breakups—
we've managed to make it work. But that's the thing about her and I, we don't have to make it work anymore, we've grown and matured together and it just comes naturally. I'm not sure if I'd say that she's my first great love because we're far too young to know that for sure. Maybe in a few years when we're older and more serious, but for now all I can say is that I care for her deeply and I enjoy being around her. Depending on your definition of love, this could be it. But I'm just not ready to say those three words.

I had been too nervous to kiss her because she never liked kissing when we were younger. But this time she had been waiting for me to make the first move. I wanted it to be special, I wanted to wait until that night, our first slow dance.

My legs trembled. I looked her deep in her eyes, noticing every hazel speck painted within the light green canvas. My heart felt like it was injected with a double shot of espresso, it pounded so hard. My eyes traveled down to her pale pink lips which were curved up into a warm inviting smile. I accepted the invitation and leaned in towards her until my lips met hers. She wrapped her arms tight around my neck as she pressed her lips against mine, causing chills to dance across my head and down my spine.

For that moment, only she existed. Everything else was a blur. All that I could think about was standing right in front of me. She grasped my attention like a moth to a light. All I could see was her beautiful glow.

"What?" She smiled almost as big as me.
"Nothing." I smirked.
"Hey, I've been thinking about this lately. This doesn't seem like a temporary thing anymore. And like, I don't want it to be temporary."
"Yeah, i know." I replied.
"I'm just very happy right now and I don't see that changing any time soon. Are you happy?" she asked.
"Of course I am, you make me happy." I held her in closer.
"I'm glad, you make me really happy too." she spoke softly.

She lifted her chin up, placing her finger beneath mine, and pressed her lips against mine again. She pulled away and looked up at me, smiled then placed her head against my chest. We stayed like that for a short while.

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