The Meeting That Changed My Life | Teen Ink

The Meeting That Changed My Life

December 17, 2015
By Porter BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Porter BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There she was with short blonde hair, nurse uniform, and arm full of bags. She was nothing like I expected her to look like. My dad told me that Amy is really nice and that he thinks I will like her before he went to get her from work. Now that I see her, I am starting to get even more nervous than I originally was. As I watch my dad and Amy walk together; I can tell that she was as nervous as I was.

What if she isn’t nice? What if I don’t like her...what if she doesn’t like me? My thoughts were just racing through my head. I sat in the car waiting for them, I was so nervous to finally meet her after my dad talking to me about her.

“Alexis, this is Amy. Amy, this is my daughter Alexis” my dad stated calmly and a little nervous when they reached the car.

“I know that you probably have a lot of questions and thoughts going through your head. I understand your situation and I want to tell you that I am not trying to be a parent toward you. I want to be a friend, someone you can hang out with and talk to.”

She kept talking about how she understands everything- it's starting to get a little annoying. Rolling my eyes, I put my headphones in and blocked out the rest of the world.

He said that he met her through one of his friends. I wonder how long after he got divorced, that he started dating Amy? They seem good together, I think I might like her. How does she know how I feel, she wasn’t abandoned by your father for two years then all of a sudden come back without telling her.

When I came out of my own world and looked around, I noticed that we were at their house and that my dad had started talking.

“While you are here you will see how we are together. You will also be with Amy or by yourself a lot. Just make yourself comfortable and just ask us if you need anything, okay?”

I thought I came here to hang out with you and Amy, not just her or myself. This is going to be so much fun. Three weeks of being by myself or with Amy. How many times will I actually be with my dad?

“This is Bitzy, Benny, and Rufis. But you already know Abury,” Amy started talking again. “your sister’s room is down that hallway, first door you will see”. Abury follows me, she is my childhood dog that I haven’t seen in so long.

I walked down the hallways and turned in the the first room I saw, then all of a sudden, “I will be there is a minutes. I want to talk to you some more, get to know you.” Amy yells down the hallways. Oh yeah.

After dropping my bag on the floor, then I dropped myself on the bed to cuddle with Abury and put my headphones back in, blocking out the world again. A few minutes later I feel a tap on my leg, opening my eyes I see that Amy has put my bag in the chair and sat down on the edge of the bed.

“I noticed in the car that you weren’t really listening to what me and your father were talking to you about. I can understand that this situation is a little weird for you. In the car I was talking about…”

I started to ignore her again, why does she keep saying she understands my situation or me?

“I get that seeing your dad after two years is a little weird, but I want you to understand that I am just here to be your friend, not a parent. I am not going to tell you to do anything. You can also talk to me about anything, even about me, if you have a problem or a question”, as she looks out the window I can see by her facial expression that she is telling the truth and cares.

“I actually have a question, how can you understand my situation? How can you comfort my dad through this? I don’t really know what to do right now. I haven’t seen him in two years, that is a long time and a lot changed.”

We talked for awhile after that question. She told me how she understands my situation by explaining that her dad had left her, so now she has a step dad to. Amy also explained how she felt toward my dad and how she helped him get to where he is now.

“I don’t think anyone told you, but your dad went to a mental hospital before he came back home,” Amy started to say. “they diagnosed him with depression and retold him about the other problems he has before. So now he has to take anti-depressants and restart his other prescriptions”.

Wow, I didn’t know that. I can’t believe my dad went to the looney bin! What happen to him while he was there?

Still sitting on the bed, both of us now looking out the window. It was the first week of July so it was nice and sunny outside, people were walking around and some kids were playing in their yard.  We were sitting in silence for what seemed like eternity, until I finally spoke, “I didn’t know that. Is he doing better now, I mean is he a better person. Does he ask differently than he used to? Did he tell you how he used to act?” 

As I was starting to get a little teary eyed as I think about the past, I looking over at Amy, I realized that she is getting more emotional than I am. “Yes, your dad did explain what happen in the past, and yes he is a way better person,” Is she about to cry, oh please don’t cry. “I am sorry about everything that happen between you and your dad and your brother. But that is in the past, that isn’t who your dad is anymore. He doesn’t get stressed out or mad easily anymore. He is more relaxed and understanding.”

After she said all of that I just started to cry. My heart ached and my mind was spinning in circles. I was so deep in my own thoughts that I didn’t even notice that she had left the room. I was sitting by myself crying for what seemed like hours: was only a few minutes.

“Alexis, are you okay?” It was my dad. When I looked up I saw that he was standing there with Amy and it was dark outside. I guess I fell asleep.

“Yeah, dad I am fine. Just letting some feelings out and I guess fell asleep”, pointing at the window. “are you guys okay?” I noticed that they were looking at me with concern and empathy in their eyes. I started to get worried and sat up quickly.

“We are okay. Amy told me about the conversation you guys had and I started to feel upset,” they had both sat down next to me while he was talking. “I am sorry that I caused you so much pain. Your brother as well. I know that I can’t fix what happen in the past, but I can fix what is happening now and try to prevent bad things happening in the future”. By this time, me and my dad had both started to cry so Amy spoke up cause we couldn’t.

“Your dad and I have both talked to you about everything that has happen. We both have talked to you and explained how we felt and what we understand. There is actually something that we have been excited and scared to tell you.”

Me and my dad have somewhat stopped crying, but now I am started to get a little confused and scared of what they were about to tell me. So I looked over at my dad; who was already looking at me.

“Alexis. I know that with Tammie and me, you didn’t go to our wedding or anything. But this time we want you completely involved,” For a few seconds I was so confused on what he was trying to tell me, but then I figured it out…”Amy and I are getting married”.

So many thoughts were whirling around in my head by this point, how long have they been together? He just got divorced. Why is he moving so fast in this relationship? Why were they so scared to tell me this? 

“Okay. So why were you guys so worried about telling me and what did you want to ask me?” I could here the confusion and a hint of anger in my voice.

“We were scared about that you might think. Like what wanted to tell you that we were getting married. We also wanted to ask you something-will you be our Maid of Honor?”

My mind was a whirlpool. I have so many thoughts going through my head, I thought it was going to explode! I guess I was staring at the floor, thinking for longer than I thought because my dad and Amy looked at me as if I looked like I was about to pass out.

“Alexis, are you okay? I know this must be a huge surprise, but we thought you should know and we really want you to be in the wedding. Help plan it even. We also want your brother to be the Best Man, but I know me and him aren’t on very good terms right now. Could you maybe talk to him about it or convince him to talk to me? And what do you say, are you okay with being our Maid of Honor?” I could hear how nervous my dad was; which was A LOT!

What the heck?! My dad isn’t seriously asking me to talk to his son for him!! Thats insane, not to mention that Jordan (my brother) kind of hates dad right now. Plus I am still hurt by what dad did. I can’t believe this! I mean, he always goes to fast in relationships. But I have to love and respect him.

“I will ask Jordan about it, but I can’t promise anything. I will be your Maid of Honor. I can help you plan and anything else you want. I don’t know what Jordan will say or do though.”

Both, my dad and Amy, smiled shyly as they stood up and started to leave the room. As soon as my headphones reached my ears, I heard my father's voice, “Alexis,” I pulled the headphones out and looked straight at him.

“Thank you so much. I am so sorry about everything that happen. I wish I could take it all back, but at the same time I wouldn’t change a thing. One day you will understand, I love you so much.” At this point we were both standing and he was giving me one of his fatherly hugs. As soon as I felt his warmth I started to cry a little. I missed this so much.

“I love you too dad. I’m sorry to, I know that everything between me, you, and Jordan is really messed up right now. But eventually Jordan will come around and talk to you again. And your welcome. I think I am going to like Amy. She seems really nice.”

From this experience I learned my dad’s side of the story and I learned to look at the situation in a different point of view. I changed from being mad and hating my father to understanding and respecting his choices. To this day I am still hurt and don’t completely understand everything that happen in Mississippi or how my dad and Amy’s relationship was moving so fast.

The author's comments:

This is my Personal Narritive. All of this happen in the summer of 2015. I was having a hard time with seeing my dad after 2 years and meeting his new girlfriend that turned out to be his fiance. 

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