A Big Day | Teen Ink

A Big Day

December 17, 2015
By Maraceli BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Maraceli BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
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“YAY” I yelled out with joy.  I am so happy that I can meet my aunt today and I will hug her so hard she will feel so loved.  We meet at the hotel and there I finally see my aunt named Paola and it was the first time that I actually got to meet her and I never have met her the reason that I have never really seen her because she lives in Mexico.  I am so happy that I was with her that day.  Then I was so happy because I remembered that I got to be able to be happy for once and not mad at myself or at my family because every time I am at my house I get so stressed out or so mad.  My family is the reason why I am so happy and not always mad at everyone.  My life is like a roller coaster because it goes around and sometimes it goes to the worse time I had ever had but then I  will get over it.  In my mind I thought to myself what if she thinks I am really annoying or what if she doesn’t like me?

We went to the mall later on in the day and then we got to watch a The Hunger Games.  Then we had lunch and when we had finished eating we went to the stores and then we bought so much clothes there for each other and then we got to talk a lot together. When we were talking to each other I got to ask her how it was at Mexico and how was my grandma and so much more.
I asked, “How were you doing in your job?”
She replied “Great, how are you doing at school?”

“Awesome, I have good grades and I am in 6th grade but I am about to move and go to a new school” I then asked her, “how is my cousin doing?”
“Good they really wanted to come over and meet you and your brothers but they couldn't because they didn’t want to give me their passport for them.” She responded.
“Why did they not want to give them their passport?”
“They didn’t want to give it to them because they didn’t want to many people to come over here from Mexico.”
“but if they are not paying for the visa then why did they not want to give it to you because you are the one that is paying for them to come of here.” I pondered.
“I know but sometimes we have to understand that we can’t always have everything so I just said ok and they just gave me my money back.” She replied to me and then I understood.
My aunt wanted me to have my quences at at Mexico because I have more relatives there and then I told her that I didn’t want it over there because all of my friends are over here and then if I am over there then they will not be able to come to my big party and that will be a really special day and if I am not there then I will not be as happy.
The next thing that we did was we went to church and then we had so many things in common and then I had to go to my classes for church and then when I was done my aunt gave me some lessons for the classes and then it was so much easier to understand because she had given me advice and i was like I  should have known this a long time ago.
We were all really hungry so we left and we went to a mexican restaurant named Los Tres Hermanos.  We got to eat and we got to talk there for a while and then I had got to mess around with my cousins Cynthia, Steffany, Elizabeth, and Isaac.  We had got to hang out with my brothers Israel, Adrian, And Erick as a family and I was really happy because we don’t really get to hang out as much as a family all together and with my aunt.
Ever since that day I haven’t seen my aunt and I was really sad and I really wished that I can see her all over again every time I have a birthday  I am always wishing to see her again or to be able to talk to her and then I really wanted to have more times like that in my life because right now my life feels so plane without so much family.  I was really sad I said “I really wish we were all together as a family”.

The author's comments:

I met my Aunt for the first time

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