Mother Dearest | Teen Ink

Mother Dearest

December 17, 2015
By dgibbs_15 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
dgibbs_15 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was 21-14 in the 4th quarter of the game. You could hear the parents cheering for their sons to get a tackle, coaches yelling at their teams for messing up the rotation, refs blowing their whistles and throwing yellow flags around. “That’s what I call football” My grandfather shouted as my cousin got a tackle.

“Let’s go to play on the playground!” Asked my cousin Micheylah
“Sure!” I replied eagerly, unaware of the terrors that would haunt me till this day. My cousin climbed the railing that would soon be my killer...
“Are you sure the is okay” I questioned my cousins intelligence.
“Yeah it’s fine” she replied. As i climb to the top she had already ran down to the playground.
“Is this safe?” I questioned to myself “yeah it’ll be fine” I answered my idiotic question.  As the railing gripped my feet I looked down to see a slab of concrete that looked smoother than my mixtape. I  prepared to jump on to the . All of a sudden a tug on my feet scared me. It was no big deal though, just my feet getting caught on the railing and sending me into a faceplant towards the  that would soon be the object that would break my wrists! As I was falling the only thing that I can still remember is the ground suddenly moving close to my face. It felt like a meteor had just made contact with the earth and the meteor
was my head.
As I fell I could feel my face hit the cement and my Ulna snap under the pressure of my body and the four foot drop. Shockingly I didn’t die from the pain. I got up,  tears running down my eyes. They were flooded I couldn’t see anything add that with being like 98.9% dead from the pain and you get me running around like a hoodlum.
As I was running I had to run by the railing that would curse me till I was 100. I ran as fast as people running to department stores on Black Friday. Then I was running through crowds of people trying not to get my wrists bumped because I knew I would scream out in pain if anyone touched them. I finally had made it to my mother.
“Mom” I whimpered with tears running down my face “My ankles, my ankles they hurt” So she pulled up my pant leg and saw nothing.
“Honey i don’t see anything”
“Mom MY ANKLES” I said and shook my wrist.
“Do you mean your wrists?” She questioned.
“Yes” I replied shamefully
“Oh honey I think they might be broken” she said, “How’d that happen?”
“Oh crap what if she gets mad at me? Do I tell her the truth or do I lie?”  I questioned whether my mom would be mad if I told her the truth or sympathetic that my wrists were broken.  So finally I told her the truth and she replied with
“Oh my, are you okay?” Obviously I wasn’t okay I had just broken my wrists and had a jacked up face. “Okay let’s go to the hospital?”
“Sure” I replied. After all hospitals are the best place to go when you get hurt. I looked down at my wrists and knew i was going to need a cast. As we were leaving my mother asked where my loose tooth had gone. Shockingly my tooth fell out in this whole process. At least something good was going to come out of this.
As my mother put the key in the ignition she began to projectile questions at me
“How’d this happen? Where did you fall at? How do you feel? Where’d your cousin go?”
“Umm, I can’t explain this all right no, but I can later” As we were on the road I tasted something on my tongue. I looked down and noticed the blood coming out of jacked up grill. “Are we there yet?”  I questioned
“Almost honey” then she turned to the left. “Mommy thanks for taking me to the hospital”
“Honey you know I’d do  anything for you right?’ she said with tears running
“Yeah mom” I said with tears running down my side.We had finally made it. I reached out for her to carry me out of the car but instead I placed a kiss on her rosy cheek.
I learned from this experience that my mother legitimately cares for me.  Like everyone says like “Your parents love you” and other stuff but it’s these moments that truly shine in your memories until your parents are long gone but moments like these one’s will never be forgotten.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write about this because I love my mother alot and I can only put it into words. I hope that people learn to love thier parents more and more everyday.

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