The Day We Went To The Track | Teen Ink

The Day We Went To The Track

December 17, 2015
By GageKlocko BRONZE, GR, Michigan
GageKlocko BRONZE, GR, Michigan
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“Get your dirt bike, you're riding boots, helmet, gloves then put it all in the truck,” my dad exclaimed to me. Thoughts ran through my mind with excitement. I also felt confused because my dad is usually not very good with surprises.

I said “ok,” I was wondering where we would be going. Then I had to get my dad’s keys to unlock his truck to put my stuff in it. But I got my dirt bike load in the truck and then got in the truck my dad said we would be going to Big Air raceway in Newaygo Michigan, fifty minutes away from the house.
My dad said that we would be going to Big Air to get some more practice with the jumps before my race. I was very excited to go and ride my dirt bike I would of done anything to ride my dirt bike. I would also get some practice and maybe learn something new that day. I always looked forward to going and riding dirt bikes and race some of my friends it was just fun.
The Next fifteen minutes later when the clock hit 12:15 my dad got in the truck and then thoughts of excitement ran across my mind. When he got in the truck he was going over what the track would look like and what I would do when we get there. He also told me what the track would look like, what kind of jumps that are on it. I was so happy that my dad was telling what I would do and I did not even listen I could not focus on what he was saying.
When we had arrived I said to my dad  “Did the jumps get bigger?
Then he was saying to me that they got a little bigger maybe, but not by much. I thought holy cow these are big. I got on my KTM 65SX and I went up to the starting line and just joined in with the other people that were on the track. The first lap I did I took it easy and just got a sense of what the jumps would be like to jump and how much gas I would have to give to be able to land the jumps right. So the next lap my dad was standing to the side and then I jumped one I almost made it. I have one goal: to clear the jumps. What was going thru my mind was don’t fall Gage. So my dad told me that I have to tell myself that I could do it, so I took that advice. I took that advice; then I thought I can clear the jumps because I telling myself I can do it.  and then  Then the next I told myself that could so then I cleared it even though it was small jump but I still cleared it. Then the last one that I hit it was a very big jump I thought in my head that that I could do it because I kept saying over and over in my head that I could do it. Then my dad and everybody else was all surprised that I could clear that big jump. I could of never felt better with myself that day with what I did.
My dad asked me “did it help when you tell yourself that you can do it.”
I said “yes it did thank you so much dad.”
I thanked him for what he had for what he taught me that day. He also asked me “what did you think about that last lap…” I did not answer him with words instead I gave him a big hug.
“You are the best dad-the only dad that would ever spend that much time helping me.”
In conclusion what I learned that day was that you have to believe in yourself that you can do it thing that you want to accomplish. If you do it you will accomplishes more in your life. You could learn that from my experiences in my personal narrative.

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