My First Day of Kindergarten | Teen Ink

My First Day of Kindergarten

January 20, 2016
By Stareon_Gibson BRONZE, Auburn, New York
Stareon_Gibson BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I Started kindergarten..I was terrified, I had really wanted to go right up until I got to the door and found out my mother wasn’t going to be going with me

“WHAT?!’’ I had shouted, I could feel my eyes growing wider to the point where I thought they might just fall off of my face, I grabbed her hand and absolutely refused to let go my teacher had seen this and came over with the most heart-warming and sympathetic, genuine smile and said “hi,I’m your teacher mrs.p, and who might you be”, I could see she was trying to comfort me and get me to loosen my death grip on my mother’s hand but i absolutely refused to budge but I didn’t want to be rude… I mean come on, mom is right there, scared or not I had to be polite”my name is Stareon … Stareon gibson”.Mrs.p smiled and reached out her  long, slender hand”Nice to meet you stareon, do you like anything else.. like a nickname?”

“I like being called star”

“star? I like that” It was right at that time I noticed I had let go of my mom’s hand and stepped away from her..I realized that I could do this. After I had said “I love you mommy” to my mom I walked slowly into the classroom, it was such a foreign, colorful place with all of the posters and toys. Mostly everyone in my class had filed in the room by then and they stood in the middle of the room, not really knowing what to do with themselves mrs.p went and stood in the middle of the kids and said not very loudly “everyone please look on the edge of the desks and find your name card and when you do stand behind your chair” so we took off in search of our seats I walked around all the kids and found my seat, I sat next to a red-head boy named kayne and a girl with big eyes and very curly dark wild hair. I put down my backpack and stood the teacher waited until everybody was standing behind their desks until she said in the same voice “okay we’re going to play a game..who likes games (everyone raised their hands)  great! okay here’s what we’re going to do say our first and last names and our our favorite colors and one thing you really like” I could see the concentration on everybody’s face. When it was my turn and everyone was looking at me I said “Hi my name is stareon gibson but I like star my favorite color is purple and I like to swing, the rest of the day lifted up I made friends with girls who liked purple and some boys who also liked to swing, I played in gym with everybody, ran on the playground and sat at lunch and at the end of the day when the bell rung and I had my backpack and jacket on I ran outside and saw my mom , she pulled me into a hug afterward she grabbed my hand and we began to walk home and on the way I told her all about my first big day.

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