A Complicated Life | Teen Ink

A Complicated Life

January 21, 2016
By BloodHound BRONZE, North Pole, Alaska
BloodHound BRONZE, North Pole, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons.”
― Douglas MacArthur

These days there is so much going on around us that we sometimes have too many options that we cannot make up our minds on what to do. When you turn on your TV what do you see? You normally see a lot of different choices. When you go out to a restaurant and walk in the doors, normally a waiter asks you some questions, table or bar, and then you sit down and even more options sit right in front of you. All of this to say that sometimes I feel overcome with choices.

When a family member of mine got cancer, I felt as if all of my options were taken away from me. The only two options that I saw were to pray and help them along. That person was my mom. Thank God, she pulled through and today they are living in great health. I know I am not the only person who has had a loved one get cancer or even die from it. My experience has shown me that in times of trouble it is best not to retract from those around you but to reach out and get comfort from everyone you can. My only escape from the fear of losing my mom who I held so close to me was, music. I found that if I would have opened myself up and talked to other people my struggle would not have been as hard.

Another person I love and hold close to my heart and has almost died multiple times, has had many options and surprisingly always chose the right one. My father, he has kidney failure, had a heart EF of below 10 percent. Doctors say he shouldn’t have even been walking. Also his hip has popped out of its socket 5 times, that includes the excruciating pain that comes with it each time. He had bacterial pneumonia, a series of infections and other health problems. Today he is still alive, but will continue struggling until he gets a kidney transplant, and his heart is in much better shape.

In life we all have choices, the ones you chose are going to stick with you for the rest of you life. Whether it’s what clothes you put on in the morning or the person you did or didn’t say, “hello” to. There is always someone that could use a hug or a “hello”, just make sure you think of the choices that are in front of your face before you make them.

The author's comments:

My writing is about what I see going on around me and what I often want other people to see.

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