What People Expect | Teen Ink

What People Expect

January 26, 2016
By A_1999 BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
A_1999 BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do people expect you to be or act a certain way because of your culture or your nationality?

First of all, I would like to start off by telling you that I am a British Pakistani. Whenever someone asks me where I am from, I always respond with "Pakistan".I am very proud to be Pakistani. Many people have come up to me, and they have asked, "Well, there are so many other British Pakistani citizens like you, why do they consider themselves British and you don't?" Considering the fact that I haven't really lived in England for a long time nor was I born there. I don't consider myself British. I only have a British nationality because of my parents, as they were born there and raised there for a few years. I respect everybody's opinion, and its completely up to them, in my case, whether to be known as, a British citizen, or as a Pakistani.

Coming from Pakistan, as you may know, the education system in Pakistan is not at all any good. The schools there are very poor, the quality of education isn't very good. There are a few high class schools in Pakistan, but obviously, everybody can't afford that. Poverty, also, is a huge problem in Pakistan, because of that, many people travel to find job opportunities in other countries, in this case, Saudi Arabia. Obviously, since most are not educated well enough, the jobs they get aren't that good. People always think that all Pakistanis work as either "taxi drivers" and"construction workers" . Which isn't true.  Some people expect Pakistanis to be of a lower class.  But that is not the case for all people.


Sherman Alexie was in a similar situation. Because of his race, people expected him to be uneducated and to fail in life. Similarly, people from the same background are also expected to be uneducated or from a low class. But all of those expectations don't bother me, at all. Its their opinion and I respect it, but, assuming that one thing applies to everyone from that culture is wrong, don't you think? I have never encountered such people and neither have I been thought of as a person from a lower class, or as an uneducated person because of my culture or ethnicity.

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