Tragedy Part Two | Teen Ink

Tragedy Part Two

March 21, 2016
By jennifer.alexander BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
jennifer.alexander BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The most terrifying afternoon on June 15th 2015 my mom and I walked into my doctor's office. At first it was a routine check up it started with me having problems with my leg. Being the fact my doctor as been my primary doctor all my life she had a pretty good idea what I was going through.


Dr.Akhand sighs
"Mom I need the sisters too wait outside"
My mom was nervous but she was very confident in my doctor.
Dr.Akahnd Sighs
"Nick you have a hernia and you need to get it taken care of." Doctor said
Nick Sighs
"How long will I be out for" Nick says
"Nick I can't tell you how long you will be out because I'm not doing the surgery. However what I can tell you is you should expect the same thing as last time."
Nick sighs heavily
"Will I be ready for band camp?"
The doctor gave me a I don't think it's possible face
Nick says with a frown
"Mr.Creagh I need to talk to you" Nick said nervously
"Mr.Alexander what is it" Creagh says
"I need to have a surgery that will cause me to miss the first two days of band camp" Nick says
"Well Nick I can't argue with your doctor" Creagh says
"Nick do what's best for you"  Creagh says
"Thanks Mr.Creagh" Nick says
"Mr.Alexander how long will you need for recover?"
"A least a month" I said
"I will be ready for the first football game."

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