National Language Among Malaysian People | Teen Ink

National Language Among Malaysian People

April 10, 2016
By ByunBH SILVER, Bandar Enstek, Other
ByunBH SILVER, Bandar Enstek, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The national language of Malaysia is Malay Language which is the mother tongue of the majority Malay ethnic group. The main ethnic groups in Malaysia are the Malays, Chinese, Indians and many other ethnic groups represented in smaller numbers, each with its own languages. One of the dominant foreign languages among Malaysian is English Language. It has been used in many sectors such as education, medicine, politics and so forth.  Many Malaysians have difficulty in communicating in English. The language issue in Malaysia has always been a contentious topic. There a few areas those contribute to their weaknesses in English such as problem in writing, reading, speaking, listening, grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, pronunciation and so forth.

The importance of English Language cannot be denied. It is because, the language is the most common language spoken everywhere. Around the world, there is an estimated 1 billion people learning English. It is the international language used by millions of people around the world. Malaysians workers and students generally have a poor command of the English Language in written and oral communication. Without a doubt, English Language is a universal language. English is used widely in communicating around the world and it is now required in every company. There a few benefits of being fluent in English Language, especially in workplace. Engineers, teachers, doctors and even businessman need to be able to use English properly and widely because their jobs require English as a dominant language. In their workplace, they might find that English is crucial and they need to cooperate and communicate with different people from different part of the world. Other than that, to work with their colleagues and to make their career more successful, they have to speak good English. They require English to present their ideas to others too.

There are several causes that contribute to the poor command of English for Malaysians. One of the causes is the education system. The problem of education system in Malaysia is that the students are too exam-oriented. For many students in Malaysia, education means scoring the test papers. Being good and have competence in English especially in spoken language is being neglected. Education system in Malaysia seems to make students memorising rather than use the language in their daily life. Other factor of the problem for people in Malaysia is their mother tongue. People are so comfortable to use their mother tongue in their life and workplace. This situation contributes to poor competency of English Language among Malaysians. The difficulty of communicating in English started when the people are still young and in school. They have limited time to learn English in class, and they still do not have enough encouragement to practice English outside the classroom. This situation makes them unfamiliar with English. Other possible cause contribute to difficulty to communicate in English among Malaysian is they do not have opportunity to use and speak English in their daily life. They are surrounded with people who speak in their mother tongue. This limited opportunity decreases their motivation to speak in English. 

Speaking and writing in English is essentially important for Malaysians. It has been used formally and becomes a dominant language in Malaysia. Workers that have competency in English have the advantages in their career. Many Malaysians have difficulty in this language. This problem will affect their job and decrease their motivation. In our global world, the importance of English Language cannot be denied. It is because, the language is the most common language spoken everywhere and English plays a big role in many sectors.

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