Behind the Transcript | Teen Ink

Behind the Transcript

April 10, 2016
By Ealvrockz BRONZE, Hemet, California
Ealvrockz BRONZE, Hemet, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is more behind the transcript. Behind that transcript is a person who has a story. Every year there are thousands of professors, colleges, and counselors that read a piece of paper. A piece of paper that determines your future, at least that's what we are told. The piece of paper with letters, numbers, and names. A transcript, it's your ticket to start your life. But have you ever thought or asked a person what goes on outside school and the stress about the grades and classes? A transcript a simple piece of paper but what makes this piece of paper so important?
Of course everyone has a story whether it's simple and joyful or long and painful. If you look on my transcript for my freshman year you'll see nothing but A's. And between my freshman year and sophomore year the transcript doesn't look as hot. My sophomore year was like a never ending roller coaster. First it was the heartache and pain of hearing the words "we're moving." Then it was the excruciating pain of having to pack boxes and put them away, memories that are put away. Then you realize the day that you have to leave your friends, is coming up soon. Then you get home and you hear the words "we're adopting 3 kids they are coming on Friday" and Friday came by faster than a Cheetah chasing its prey. There they are, 3 kids sitting on my couch. 3 kids I will have to watch over, protect, and teach. Those 3 kids are an addition to my family. With constant court ordered days, and social worker visitations, there was lots of stress and chaos which did affect me greatly. And it showed on my grades. I went from having straight A's to having a few A's. But not having the best grades doesn't mean I am less determined than I was my freshman year, it doesn't mean I am lazy, it doesn't mean that I don't care. School is still very important to me and that transcript will never show what I've been through. I've been through lots of things and changes that were hard for me and my transcript could never tell that story. But as important as my transcript is, as important as that paper is, it will never be able to tell a story. Because there is so much more to a person beyond that piece of paper that is looked at my by professors, colleges, and counsellors. That transcript won't tell me story, so I will. My transcript is important.

The author's comments:

It's personal and serious, yet it's something that people can relate to. 

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