Suicide | Teen Ink


April 22, 2016
By Anonymous

I know that my voice likely won't be heard by many. This site appears to be continuosly going down hill; however, I will not let that stop me from making my point here.


I was thirteen when I lost my first real friend to suicide. His name was Phillip, he was fourteen, and from Tennessee. 


You may thinking "Why did she mention he was gay?" Well, he was bullied for it. The kids at school picked on him to the point that he couldn't take it anymore. He was the kind of guy that would have helped his bullies in their time of need, he smiled through the entire time I knew him. Now, I can't tell him how special he is anymore. He committed suicide one week after I turned thirteen.


It was almost two years later that I lost my mother. She was the bravest and strongest person that I knew. She always made it clear that she would be there for you if you needed her. However, our home life wasn't all that great.


My step dad used to beat her. She drank and such, but never showed any signs of depression. I was always worried for her. I was scared that one day she would be hospitalized because of him. Instead, she committed suicide. She never left a note (at least not one that I, or the police, found); however, I feel I know why. 


I didn't write this passage so that you would feel bad for me. After all, I'm just a girl on the internet that could easily be making this all up. However, I wanted to make it aware that sometimes the happiest person you know, is the one suffering the most. 


If you don't know someone, then don't pick on them, nor anything like that. You don't know what the person has to go through at home, or has gone through. Sometimes, the smallest of gestures will save a life. 


I was about to commit suicide as well, when someone did something I never thought possible. Between my loved ones passing, and the bullying at my new school, I never expected anyone to notice me. Then, someone came up to me and made sure I was alright. He was genuinely concerned and saved my life. 


Take a moment. Think your actions through. You may save that persons life. Just as my boyfriend saved mine. I promise you, just making sure they know someone cares is enough to keep them willing to fight sometimes.

The author's comments:

I wrote this because there are many people around me that like to joke about suicide. I just want to make it aware that you never know who is suffering. Also, if you are someone who is feeling like this, then please seek help. Hotlines are a great way to relieve yourself if you can't think of any person to talk to.

Trust me, you're more loved than you may think. People will notice if you're gone.

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