My New Family | Teen Ink

My New Family

May 5, 2016
By johnny12345 BRONZE, Williamsport, Ohio
johnny12345 BRONZE, Williamsport, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My mom picked me up at doctors hospital when I was four days old. That is a pretty young age to be adopted not even having a permanent picture of anything that happened with my real mother and not remembering my childhood till I was a year old because I had no memories then and this story is going to tell you how I faced adversity and bullying from being an orphan kid moving to the country.


Being adopted is really a special thing. Also for me as a kid only being four days old and never having any memories or pictures but only one photo of my real birthmom. Never really having a conversation with either my mom and dad. If you think about it makes it seem like I was unwanted by my single mother raising 3 other kids on her own in a bad neighborhood, kind of makes me feel like she sent me away for the better, to my adoption mom, Janna. Or she didn’t think I was worth anything and just got rid of me as fast as she could. It can either way. It’s really awkward explaining to people that I have never really met my parents before and me being an African American with a caucasian mother and father. It can go the same way with my brothers, but luckily later on she my birth mom, rashida, had another kid and was going through things and we adopted my autistic brother Nathan as well. Also found out that I had a minor case of autism as well called asperger syndrome.


If you think about it, it’s a pretty neat thing that I got stuck with my blood-brother like it was destiny or something. One thing I dealt with when I got adopted was going to schools and never really fitting in thinking I was posed as an outkast. No one really knew I was adopted and I knew if I told them I was adopted I would not hear the end of it so I decided to stay away from people and when I was kindergarden we moved away from Reynoldsburg to Williamsport Ohio. We moved into the country so I guess that was for the better. Not many people and a smaller district they thought would be better for the all of us.


Years passed by and I was in the fourth grade and we had parent teacher conferences not thinking that nobody knew that I was adopted and that night when we first walked in everybody gave me weird looks. I was scared out of my mind but I had to be bold and face the consequences of keeping it in and was honest and told my friends and classmates that I was adopted. Most of them didn’t even know what it meant so I had a lot of explaining. Sadly I did get some bullying and let some of it get to me but then I realize that I shouldn’t let those rude people get to me because I know my parents and brothers love me and would die for me. If I was living the other way I would be a different person and people always come up to me and ask me “why do you act so white.” “Do you wish you knew your real parents?” I kind of have to think about that question every time someone asks me because I have mixed emotions about it. Sometimes I want to meet my parents and see what they look like and how they are and meet some of my blood brothers and sisters. Then other times I’m thinking I would never want to see them because they abandoned me and made me feel unloved or unwanted for years and I would rather have the family I have now then my last because I am thankful for the person they made me and taking care of me and my three other adopted brothers. A twenty-three year old brother and a three year old baby, and MANY pets. You wouldn’t believe the expenses but my parents love us and did this to make our lives better and the only thing I can be is blessed and humble of my life now and the person and impact they made on my life and it could have been worse. The real one to thank though is God. Choosing this path for me and making my life easier than it could have been, and now i’m with my new family.

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