At the River | Teen Ink

At the River

May 24, 2016
By kayla.bavaro BRONZE, Nfjaek,, Virginia
kayla.bavaro BRONZE, Nfjaek,, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

At the river when we were jumping rocks, I felt like I was going to fall in or fail when I jumped. Every time we go to the river,I am always the slow one going from rock to rock so I won’t fall.

I love to get in the river when we go. That day, my parents told me not to get in, but I got in to my ankles. They didn’t care because the water was really warm. I can’t wait till our canoe trip next month, because the water will be warmer so I can actually get in the water. 

I could feel the coral under my feet as I walked in the water. The rushing water almost knocked me over. I saw the train tracks on the other side of the river, but we had just missed the train. I could smell the wet sand, and dirt. I heard the water flowing around and past my legs. I heard the water splashing as it hit a rock every now and then.
I felt the little rocks and prickly balls under my feet every now and then when I jumped onto land. I heard the sound of the birds calling to each other. I felt the tall grass brush my leg as I walked on the trail. Now I picture the water rushing downstream, splashing on the rocks, then going calm.

I remember the bird swooping down from a tree, landing on the ground. I watched the bird mess with it’s wings. I knew that the bird would take off again and go to the top of a tree. 

When we were leaving, I was upset that we couldn’t go the whole day, but happy that we got back for lunch. On the bus, outside the window, on a rock, in the water, sat a bird just looking around… then he faced the bus and just stared. After we fully left the bird was out of my sight. I was drawing on my paper, no specific drawing just doodling, and I messed up when we hit a bump… we were back at school.

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