Broken Homes | Teen Ink

Broken Homes

June 6, 2016
By OddCastles BRONZE, San Diego, California
OddCastles BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine this : Walking to the pickup zone after school not knowing which parent is going to pick you up. Your mom does, but with your stepdad while he’s in the passenger seat both of them mad at each other, you walk to the other side of the street to get into your car. The whole ride home was quiet and either blank or mean stares at each other, You finally get home to your brother playing video games and eating instead of out looking for jobs, if your mom isn't already mad enough your step dad starts making comments, the situation gets even worse than it already is so you try calming everyone down but the house is too much of a stressful place to do anything. You start focusing on keeping yourself in place as well as your mom and brother since sometimes your step dad gets aggressive and rude. You start failing your classes and start making everything even worse. You're stuck in the middle of everything and everyone blaming you because you're the youngest and it's natural to blame problems on the youngest. Now do you really want this to happen to you? Do you want to be stuck in the middle of everything?

The only way to go against this is to have self confidence in yourself that you're going to get through this with your family and you are going to have to keep pushing.

One reason I think relying on yourself and using self-confidence is good is because you don't have to think you are what other people say about you or your family. Have self confidence that you're mom and stepdad are going to stop fighting and that you're brother is going to get a job, have self confidence that you are going to pass your classes and do good in school, and that all of you as a family are going to get through situations as a family. Also spread self confidence around your family because it gives you that feeling that you're good enough. Just because there's ways to make yourself feel better there is also ways that being in a broken home can make you feel in a negative way.


More than 3 in 10 children grow up in broken homes and children from broken homes account for: 70% of those in juvenile detention 57% of all prison inmates 63% of teen suicides 71% of teen pregnancies and 90% of homeless juveniles and runaways.(Stats of effects in broken homes - Richmond times dispatch). Most effects broken homes have on kids are that they can slip into an emotional distress and develop antisocial behavior around new people. Even though most kids/teens still live with one parent the divorce might be too much to handle and they lose interest in life itself. Children/Teens are often misunderstood, or judged as being different when the topic is brought up.

Children growing up in broken families are twice as likely to develop serious psychiatric illness and addictions later in life such as depression and schizophrenia. The lack of confidence and self doubt in a child will eventually make him/her uninterested in school. Since there's no trust in their family he/she can't trust anyone else so they would keep the pain/shock/anger and sadness all to him/herself. This may even turn the into the path of alcohol and drugs. Too much depression,alcohol and drugs may turn into crime, if left untreated they may develop a mental illness. Broken homes could make a child insecure in a sense that he/she no longer has a complete family he could call his/her own. Not only does broken homes ruin, school,family bond and social things it also ruins your love life.


They fear the relationship going south, or meeting possibly the love of their life then having it get all ruined, Most flee because living alone and never opening up to the chance of finding that special someone seems much more safer than potentially creating a family crisis as devastating as the one we just survived. The most scariest thing probably to us is that our parents were once deeply in love and now barely talk to each other.




Work Cited Page
Stats of Effects in Broken Homes." Richmond Times-Dispatch. Web. 11 May 2016
Why Kids from Broken Families Are Afraid of Falling in Love." A Real Rattlesnake Meets His Maker. 2013. Web. 11 May 2016
"Effects on Children of a Broken Family." All Articles RSS. Web.10 May 2016.

The author's comments:

It's an argumentive essay that helps you navigate through broken homes

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