Public Speaking Is Good!!! | Teen Ink

Public Speaking Is Good!!!

October 28, 2016
By Seth_Heard BRONZE, Raeford, North Carolina
Seth_Heard BRONZE, Raeford, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It all started when I went to a family reunion when I was in the 6th grade. I went to Middle School in Raeford, NC. I was introduced to Student Government Association (SGA), but what I didn't know was that it would peak something interesting in my life. I was always an outgoing child; the perks of being a triplet, we are always willing to try new things and be out there in the world. So, as children we always wanted to explore things and make our voices be heard. In public places we were always trying to make someone's day a little better. Just by trying to say hey and hope they have a great day. In middle school i was always the one to be first in raising my hand up for something and to volunteer to read. I looked at that as a way to enhance my speaking skills. By doing that, I also noticed that it got rid of any fears I had about speaking in front of an audience.

Then I found out about SGA. When I found out about SGA, I knew that, that was the program for me. It was all about getting your voice heard and doing things to make a change in your school and your community. SGA is the reason why I have participated in volunteering and many other different things. I ran for class president in 7th and 8th grade. Got the place for both of them. 7th grade was really the first time I had to speak in front of a real audience. In order to become class president, I had to create a speech and speak it over the intercom throughout the whole school. At first i was alittle nervous because it was for the whole school. As soon as the morning came that i had to do this speech, that is when I knew of what talent i had. That’s when I found out how much i was going to like public speaking. Afterall, that speech is what got me the seat to class president. Ever since then, there have been numerous of opportunities that have been given to me that I have been taking.

Public speaking is a vital objective to learn for the future. Throughout my whole middle and high school years, I have learned that as I progress, my speech has improved dramatically. I know that it is not easy for everyone; I have friends that are very shy and have bad anxiety and it is no where near easy for them. That is just fine, what is not fine is not trying. What I can say is that even if you have a problem with public speaking, everyone improves in due time. With the right tools and the right instructors. Anyone can become a great public speaker. Especially if it is something that you are interested in. So, I encourage that everyone learns about public speaking because it opens so many doors into the future, and it is a way for you to find yourself.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this because it is one of the few things that I am known for, if you ask a friend or teacher of mine, they will tell you that I have a strong voice and have the ability to be a leader. I love expressing my opinion or just expressing what I am researching about. 

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This article has 2 comments.

Alasia99 said...
on Nov. 2 2016 at 2:15 pm
I really like your article. I agree that public speaking is good because it is beneficial.

on Nov. 2 2016 at 2:12 pm
This was a very good way to express yourself and I didn't you had anxiety bro you chill.