First Born | Teen Ink

First Born

November 9, 2016
By Anonymous

I Was in the 9th grade when I met this girl named Eva. We started talking as friends and began to get closer. 3 weeks passed and I started to catch feelings for her, but we never dated we just talked really heavy and did things like we were in a relationship. We talked for 5 month, then one day we went to school and she said she wasnt feeling good, so she went to the nurses office. later that morning at school she told me the nurse gave her a pregnacey test and it came back positive, she was 7 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I was in shocked but kind of excited, so we went to my house and we told my mom and my mom took us to her house then we explained the situation to her mom.

9 months later on November 14th, 2015 we were in the hospital and she was having bad contractions. All I Could do was be there, she say i was in a bad mood the whole time being there but it didnt seem like it to me. Her family was there and my family didnt come till the next day. Fast forward to the next day November 15th. Her contractions was getting more worse but the doctors was saying that was a good sign because that means she's getting ready to push. All that day she was just having bad contractions. Later that night around 12 am the doctors was saying "she's ready to push." She pushed for exactly 4 hours, after the 4 hours she gave birth to our beautiful baby girl named Ivelina Horsley. It was a big life changer for me because I was only 15 but the sight of hold my first child was heart warming. All I could do was cry, my baby looked at me and gave me a smile showing me she would love me back. 

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