Beach monster | Teen Ink

Beach monster

December 6, 2016
By JHillary BRONZE, Walker, Michigan
JHillary BRONZE, Walker, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When my brother and I reached the beach we went straight to the sand dunes and started to go on a adventure to find some cool things after a while we found a cave my brother wanted to go in there.

When we were walking we saw a few carving of a wicked monster attacking people. After a long walk in the cave my brother found a cool necklace and he took and then we started to walk out . When we finally got back we started to hear screams of terror. Then we started to run over to see what was happening and we saw the biggest greenest ugliest monster ever and it was hurting the people of the beach and we had to stop it. We started to throw that at it but that only made it more angry and then it started to chase us. As we were running it kept saying “my stone my stone give it back” then a idea came to me

The monster looked like the one in the cave carving and it seem like it was looking for something and it was a stone then my told my brother of what I thought then we had a great idea the monster was looking for the necklace my brother had taken from the cave and I asked him where he put it he said in the bag at our spot and then we started running to the spot we found the bag and the necklace and then we ran and gave the monster what it wanted and the monster disappeared and was never seen again

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