My Disagreements with the Media | Teen Ink

My Disagreements with the Media

December 12, 2016
By DoranHillman BRONZE, Piedmont, Oklahoma
DoranHillman BRONZE, Piedmont, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Media is one of the worst thing that has happened to the world! Through all of my disagreements with the reporter Kevin Ogle I do not think that privilege is a thing anymore. I don’t think privilege exists because we almost had a woman become president, more white men are killed than black men, and everyone has been given the same opportunities.

First, privilege doesn’t exist because the United States became very close to having a woman president. During the whole election people didn’t care that Clinton was a female. They paid more attention to what she had to say and what her stances were on certain situations. During the whole election people didn’t care that Clinton was a female. They paid more attention to what she had to say and what her stances were on certain situations.
Second, there has been some controversy over white police being racist against black people. In the year 2015 732 white people were killed by police while, 381 black people were killed. (Lowery Aren’t more white people than black people killed by police?) These facts show that people have taken the whole police being racist has been taken way out of proportion.

Third, it may not have been like this back then but nowadays everyone has the same opportunities. My teacher Ms. Boismier quoted, “Women make 75 cents to a man’s dollar”. I think that is because more men work than women, but it is their own decision, not because they are discriminated. I think know this because if you look at the army there are woman, and if you look at the police force there are women and african americans or any other race. People are not turned down to schools if their skin is a certain color or they are a certain sex.

Overall, all of my writing has come from my disagreements with the media point of privilege. I have learned that the media will do anything to make money, even if they make false acquisitions or make false stories. Media has done a lot of good things for us though. They have done things like let us watch our favorite sports team. Without the media I wouldn’t be able to watch the Thunder without paying an outstanding amount of money just to watch one game. The anchor Kevin Ogle also gives us some entertainment when we are bored. I do not think that all of the good things that television can do makes up for all of the bad ones. I learned that if you put yourself in someone else’s shoes then you will be able to understand and see their point of view.

The author's comments:

I added some things because I had to.

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