The Hair Cut | Teen Ink

The Hair Cut

December 15, 2016
By schieaut000 BRONZE, Battleground , Washington
schieaut000 BRONZE, Battleground , Washington
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Life is too short to have boring hair. At one point or another every one changes something about their appearance. Sometimes drastic, and other times small. About a month prior I had a sudden urge to cut all of my hair off. There wasn’t a lot of reasoning behind it, it was just kind of something I knew I had to do. Not everyone agreed with this decision, like my dad or friends, but I did. I didn’t even consider the downside of having short hair, like how awkward it would be, or how cold it would be, or the fact that you can’t really do anything with it… but, there was no stopping me.

I had been begging my dad to let me do it for a while now. And I had made the idea sound so glamorous. I thought I was being open minded to what I wanted to do with my hair. But I was only looking at one side, I didn’t weigh any of the cons to short hair. Or the pros to keeping my long hair. But none of that mattered now, my mind was set.

Now that everyone was okay with this idea, my step mom brought me to the salon. I eagerly walked through the door of Supercuts, and waited for the receptionist to greet me. I sat down and looked around, there was a eight year old girl with hair down to her lower back, she was sitting and talking with her stylist. Until her mom abruptly said; “cut it off at her shoulders!”

The girl obediently obeyed, and sat up straight in her chair. My focus was broken as the woman at the front desk waved me over and happily said; “welcome to Supercuts, what can I do for you?”

“I want to get a pixie-cut, is Amy here?” I replied

“Yes, she’s with a client right now-” she was interrupted, as Amy responded from across the room
“I'm just finishing up! I'll be done in a minute” I walked back over to the window, and sat back down. I pulled my iPod out to connect to their wifi, and started scrolling through Pinterest looking for a picture close to what I wanted. About a minute later Amy called me over to cut my hair. I sat down and tried to make up my mind on what I wanted to do with my hair.

“Hi, I’m Amy.” she said, so I told her my name.
“Okay, what are we doing with our hair today?” she questioned.

“Uh… I want a pixie-cut.” I quietly responded. We talked about what I wanted, and I showed her some pictures, until her anxious scissors could wait no longer. She tied my heat damaged hair into a low ponytail, and cut it off.  I felt the weight of the world leave me as she held my hair up like a bouquet at a wedding.

“Are we stopping here, or do you still want a pixie-cut?”she asked

“No, keep going” I questioningly replied. So she did. With every little snip, my heart jumped, and at the end she shaved the back of my neck. then she turned me around at the end, I was straight faced. I didn't know how to feel. I ran my fingers through it, and felt my cold bare neck.

“It's so different…” I thought, not realizing I had said it

“Do you like it?” Amy asked

“Yes?” I replied. This was my new hair and I knew there was no going back, At least not for a long time. When I got home I showered, and put my makeup back on. I tried to figure out what I was supposed to do with this new hair, but I hardly could; so I cried, because that's all I could think to do.

Now almost a year later my hair has hardly grown five inches, i miss my long hair. But i know it'll grow back someday. 

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