Empty | Teen Ink


December 6, 2016
By MontyB BRONZE, Lancaster, South Carolina
MontyB BRONZE, Lancaster, South Carolina
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“A kid was born on November 23 1998, we’ll call him Tre. Now this kid almost didn't make when he was born. The kid was very sick at birth, but Tre was strong so he pulled through it. Tre had fight in him since he was young. Many say this kid is special but if you ask the kid he doesn't see it. Tre never wavered in through his early years in the world.. The kid created many memories for his family whether it was defecating in bath tube or biting his sister’s finger. The kid seemed like a bright person, full of joy and happiness. Although not everything was sweet and dandy for the kid. The kid was lonely for his early years all the kid knew was the confinements of where they lived, the kid knew the people he lived with and the ones who lived around him. The kid showed a level of academic excellence at a young age. The kid was innocent but the kid wasn’t perfect, Tre fought a great deal as a youngster, See, the kid has a heinous temperament, that got him into an ocean wave of trouble and fights ,mostly, at home. Tre is a the type of kid that has an abundance of love in his heart and he wants to share that love with everyone. Tre’s temperament issue plays a big factor into his life because he gets mad super fast. Tre lived his life in a simple order, go to school and come home and play his playstation or go to the church and shoot basketball, alone. Keep that word alone in your mind as you read more about Tre. The kid never asked for too much, he knew life had limits and he seemed to understand his at an early age. Tre loved his playstation, he always played it when he was a kid, I guess you could say it was his get away place, all he had to do was grab that controller and become numb to the universe. The kid, was only about four and he would numb himself from the outside world. That’s kind of shameful if you think about it, a three , four year old kid numbing himself from the world. Children are supposed to enjoy themself at that age because they have no worries. Tre was different, it was as if something was missing from inside him. I think it was the fact that he had no father, see Tre grew up in a house with women until he was twelve. That absence put a hole in his heart that has never been fixed. Tre was good at hiding his pain honestly, no one he lived with knew that he was hurt by it. The kid was strong like I said before, he put all his feelings in a locked safe, he didn't talk about how he felt. I honestly think that is where his problem began., no one should lock away feelings like that. The kid took his frustrations out on people, when i say that he didn't just start fighting out the blue he was picked on as a kid. Tre wasn’t skinny as a kid so he was teased but like always he locked it away and didn't talk about what he felt. He just held onto what he was feeling, and when he fought he let it all out but even after fighting or going outside and punching the ground the feelings always came back to him. One thing Tre learned about himself at an early age is that he thought away all his time. No matter where he was he was always thinking, but eventually he got to the point where the thoughts overflowed and he began to talk to himself. His family didn't pay that much attention to it, they just told Tre to not do it because it meant you were crazy. If they didn't say that they laughed as if it was funny. Tre stopped playing his playstation so much and hung outside a lot. Basketball was his new sanctuary, he stayed shooting basketball for most of the day after school. That only meant more psychological damage for young kid, as he became more consumed in his thoughts. The kid was young man, so young but yet he is consumed in his thoughts, what kid younger than ten do you know is consumed in his thoughts. Kids that young should be happy and not worrying about life and what they are thinking. Tre is a different type of kid, he was always worried about his life and what would happen to him. He tried his best to be like the other kids and hide the pain in his eyes, and to be honest this young kid did a really wonderful job at doing that. All everybody ever thought is that he had anger issues they never knew the background to why he had them. Every emotion hinderance doesn't just come out of nowhere, they have a root just like hair or a tree. The root of Tre’s problems started and only grew worse. This kid only pushed them away more and more as he grew up in the world. Everyday Tre looked for another way to hide how he was feeling and it all seemed to work. Tre’s emotional state was at point where he was devastated on the inside but he hid it from everybody. This kid is strong isn’t he? Tre continued to smile through everything, eventually he would mean mug but as a kid he smiled everyday through it all. This kid has a strong heart, no one can take that from him. The problems only continued for Tre as he started to grow up into a teenager. The bullying and being picked on only evolved into more pain for Tre. Along with that he moved schools. As a kid he lived in Heath Springs, then his mother moved out of her mother’s house to a house in Lancaster. Tre had to leave his only true friend Tay, it hurt Tre to his soul that he wouldn’t be able to see his only real friend anymore. From there he was never the same, the smile he had maintained as a kid faded away. The last little bit of joy leaked out his heart through tears. Tre’s sixth grade year was absolutely horrific for him on the inside. Everyday from the time he walked on the bus, he felt as if he was being watched by everyone because he looked different. For two years of his life people thought he was a girl because he had dreads and he kind of did look like one. He looked like a fat little girl, he had boobs too to add to the fire. Tre was still able to block out the pain in order to keep his grades up over everyone else's. Tre’s first years as a teen were rough, he was more alone than ever he tried to play sports but that didn’t help. Even while at the practices he was bullied and talked about, that only hurt him more. Tre thought a team loved each other and that they didn’t put each other down but he was wrong. This kid’s young mind was destroyed by now, he was more lost than ever. Everything he was told to believe was a lie and to him he it made his belief in people leak all the way out of his heart. Nothing seemed real to Tre anymore everything seemed fake to him. Nothing anybody told him was real anymore, he was hurting and hurting bad. But as before he locked the pain away and continued to push through. I tell you this is one strong kid, by this time he is about twelve. This guy is something man, how does one person go through so much but not show it. Their grades are still high and they still find some way to smile. Tre somehow lasted through it but the part that will hurt you, the part that hasn't been discussed is the fact that this kid, this now twelve year old kid thought about killing himself when he was just nine years old. Yes, read it again at the tender age of nine, this kid thought about killing himself. Luckily he didn't do it because he thought he didn’t know how. Thats sad man, I cry everytime I think about it; a nine year old kid wanting to kill himself and nobody ever knew. Tre pushed his way through his middle school knowing that it  would become worse in High school. When he reached high school this kid had so much inside of him he didn’t know what to do, so he played football hoping it would allow him to let go of some of it. In retrospect it did in some ways but in other ways it caused more stress on his already damage heart because his grades slipped. Tre finished the season out, and he got his grades back together. That first year of high school consisted of straight turmoil and strife. Tre desperately looking for an answer became dissolved in pain, nothing seemed to go ever go right for him in his life and now the same thoughts he had at the age of nine came back. This time in tenth grade that young kid, did what he thought he didn’t know how to do before. Tre was just the solemn age of fourteen when he died, but this death was different , Tre didn't have a funeral. There was no burial site…….nothing just a dead kid that nobody seemed to notice was dead. Nobody ever went to look for him, nobody ever asked where Tre was, they just forgot about him. A beautiful kid just gone in the blink of an eye and nobody not even his own family noticed. The sweet kid was gone but his sibling that hasn’t been talked about, M.T, was still alive and just like Tre he had problems throughout life as well. They both hide their feelings from people , just like his brother Tre he too was bullied and he too had locked all his feelings away in a box. He was the only one that knew his brother had died and that only made it harder on him because he loved his brother more than anybody, he and his brother were close although Tre talked to himself and was alone all the time. M.T was always near him and sometimes he would cheer Tre up, the two had a bond that could never be broken. Now that Tre was gone M.T had to carry all the weight on his shoulders. M.T would hurt a lot because his brother was gone and he had no one it seemed like. M.T would try something that Tre wouldn’t which was date. M.T was more matured than Tre so he also had a very high understanding of the world at a young age, M.T was in the eleventh grade and he worked at Carowinds during the summer, that was his first job. That job was a surprise because he wasn’t a outgoing person, and he didn’t like people that much. He did it tho and he loved making others smile especially little kids. After that time working he just fell into a hole of depression. M.T lost all his happiness, the locked box he had inside him had opened and he was down. He had fell as low as he did when his brother Tre died, M.T himself began to think like his brother did. A couple days out the week he would go outside and sit on top of his dog’s house and cry while listening to music.  For eight years of his life M.T talked to himself, just like his brother did, somehow M.T broke out of it and just let the music he listened to do the talking for him. The tears he shed were never his they were his brothers……weird right? I know you wondering how their his brother’s i’ll explain it in a little bit. M.T actually met a girl that liked him for him. Her name was Kya she had M.T’s head gone. She made him feel something he never felt before which was love. But that feeling didn’t last that long because she cheated on him and got pregnant but she didn’t tell him and she changed on him. Kya treated him like straight s***, then she left him to hurt. M.T drowned in his pain and he to killed himself at the age of seventeen. Two young men gone before they turned eighteen, just tragic. Now their brother Monterion is left to deal with the pain of both their deaths and the pain of everything else. Now Monterion is the strongest of them all I would say he has endured everything and still hasn’t gave up. This guy here is something special as people who say, he has been hurt all his life from the time he was four and began isolating himself to the point where he died and still continued to move on in life. This guy is the only person I know that has died twice already and is still alive. Like what is he made out of. Monterion was in a couple of relationships but they didn't work out for him. In the end he was at fault for the endings of all of them because the girls could not deal with his psychological burdens and they left him to be alone. Now if you were to ask Monterion for advice he would always be happy to do so, the kid is something unlike any other, he loves everyone that loves him but he doesn't have a heart. Monterion is still trying even tho he has nothing beating in his chest anymore. Monterion has a couple of people that mean a lot to him in his life and even they don't understand how it feels to die twice while you're still alive the kid is thankful for those people: Jada Ames, his brothers Richard and Tay and his best friend Kiaya. Monterion is internally damaged, his lock box of feelings is the biggest of them all. Monterion cries but the tears are not his, his tears are the tears of Tre and M.T. Monterion doesn't have any tears to give, he is numb to all pain and he has forced his heart to remove itself from his body. Many people do not know the story of the kid who was born on November 23, 1998, it is to complicated to tell, only the person who lives it can tell it. So this kid that has thought about killing himself since he was nine may be a strong outer individual but his internal self died at the age of fourteen. HIs heart died at the age of seventeen so who knows what's left in the body of this kid maybe just a brain that understands too much for it's own good.”

The author's comments:

This piece is very personal as it pertains to my life itself. 

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