Unspoken Power of the Subconscious | Teen Ink

Unspoken Power of the Subconscious

January 1, 2017
By Tiger-Lily BRONZE, Central, Utah
Tiger-Lily BRONZE, Central, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You Musn't be afraid to dream a little bigger Darling

What if there is a greater source of power behind your actions, behaviors, and Emotions? Well, There is a greater power behind you, it is called your subconscious mind. Although many people have argued that it is our conscious mind that decides everyday behaviors, emotions, and choices, closer examination shows that your subconscious mind is actually behind the majority of our behaviors, emotions, and choices.  There have been many arguments about what our subconscious mind is but scientific research has found that your subconscious mind is just like a memory bank. Everything you have seen, heard, or done is stored in your subconscious mind, and when everyday choices are made we pull memories from our subconscious mind to help us with making that choice this is how it works.

Our Subconscious mind, or unconscious mind as it is referred to; works based off of memories from our lives Erhard Freitag said, “ The treasure-trove of your subconscious mind contains all sorts of treasures. They were transferred from your short-term memory into long-term memory and are now waiting there to be recalled.” (Freitag, Erhard F. The Subconscious Mind: A Source of Unlimited Power. Fawnskin: Personhood, 2003. Print.) Erhard is right our subconscious mind is a “ treasure- trove” of memories, all we need to do is simply pull them out of our long-term memory and use them. In fact, We use them every day, for each action, we do we are pulling a memory from our subconscious and analyzing it to receive information on how to resolve what we are doing. As  Nicholas Hune-Brown told us in his article, “ Many decisions that we think of as conscious are, instead; the product of…. flights of our unconscious minds…. [it] allows us to see a knobby orange sphere, a specific object we have never seen before and instantly think “ what a Nice orange.””(Brown, Nicholas Hune-. "How Hopeless Self-delusion Can Make You a Huge Success." Canadian Business. Chris Johnston, 2012. Web. Sept. 2016.) These flights of our unconscious are memories. Memories of what we have already seen, done or heard we simply pull them out of our memory and allow it to come to the conscious mind. For example, like Nicholas said about the orange sphere we have never seen before, but yet we say it is an orange. This mistaken identity happens because we have seen an orange before and when we are looking at an object that appears to look like an orange, our minds pull that memory out which makes us think that object is an orange.  This is how our subconscious mind works and it allows us to make certain choices and act a certain way.

We are all unique, we all have the trait of individuality, and because of this we act a certain way, we call it your behavior. Did you know that your behavior is controlled by an unseen power called your subconscious. Yes, it is true every time you react to something it is based on what your subconscious mind shows your conscious mind on what to do. The major factor behind our behavior is our past memories stored in our subconscious, for example, Jennifer Eberhardt conducted an experiment and reported these results,   "In the experiment, students looking at a screen were exposed to a subliminal flurry of black or white faces. The subjects were then asked to identify blurry images as they came into focus frame by frame. The makeup of the facial prompts had little effect on how quickly people recognized mundane items like staplers or books. But with images of weapons, the difference was stark—subjects who had unknowingly seen black faces needed far fewer frames to identify a gun or a knife than those who had been shown white faces. For a profession dealing with split-second decisions, the implications were powerful" (Eberhardt, Jennifer L., and Sam Scott. "A Hard Look at How We See Race." Ebsco. Ogden Publications Inc., Winter 2015. Web. Sept. 2016.) shown pictures of faces moving in fast motion. The conscious mind, however, cannot This experiment shows just how easy it is to make decisions based off of our memories. In this case, when people were trying to identify the picture, the subconscious mind brought up the images of the faces to link them to an object helping them make faster decisions when identifying the image. This experiment also shows us the effect the subconscious mind has on our conscious thought. In the experiment, the people were reacting to the fast pace so it is instead stored in your subconscious mind for later use. The people were then shown a set of images and asked to identify the object as fast as they could, though the people do not know it is our subconscious mind that brings back the memory  of the images it still happens it is a natural response for your brain. These memories help your conscious mind interpret and link the picture together. This is going on all the time in your everyday life, why? Your conscious mind can only handle a certain amount of information so when we focus on something are conscious mind is only holding the knowledge of the thing you are focused on. As your conscious mind is focused on that thing, your subconscious mind is taking in all the information of what is going on around you. Later on, if you are in a similar situation the subconscious mind brings up that memory and we behave a certain way to the situation  based on the things in that memory, the most prominent thing acting on you and your memory though is our emotions.

Emotions they are the things that make us happy, sad, or even mad there are a  variety of emotions, and our subconscious is the mind behind your emotions. Your subconscious makes the emotions aware to your conscious mind. One of the major things that contributes to emotions is stress. Say we are in a very stressful situation, one that is similar to what you dealt with in the past but, we dealt with it in a peaceful calm manner and got past the stress. Joseph Murphy and Ailish McGrath said, “ when the thoughts deposited in your subconscious mind are constructive, harmonious, and peaceful , the….power of your subconscious will respond and bring about harmonious conditions,agreeable surroundings, and the best of everything.”(Murphy, Joseph, and McGrath Ailish. " The Power of your Subconscious Mind." SlideShare Net. General Press., 2016. web. Sept. 2016.) If  you are in a similar situation your subconscious mind is going to bring those emotions into your conscious mind allowing you to act on them.

Stress, however, is not always dealt with in a calm manner and sometimes the situations you are in are traumatic this kind of situations cause post traumatic stress which has negative effects on you. In these types of situations, the subconscious mind brings up the emotions like fear, anger, or even depression from past traumatic experiences.These traumatic experience also brings about negative thinking and negative emotions emitted from your subconscious mind Joseph Murphy and said in his book, “your Subconscious mind is the seat of your emotions and is the creative mind. If you think good, good will follow; If you think evil, evil will follow. This is the way your mind works." (Murphy, Joseph, and McGrath Ailish. " The Power of your Subconscious Mind." SlideShare Net. General Press., 2016. web. Sept. 2016.) Everything you think or feel comes from your subconscious mind and past experiences. It helps us interpret the situation and act on that interpretation.

Some people may argue that the conscious mind is the one behind our actions because it is the mind that is working while we are awake. This statement has some truth behind it but there is another part of your mind working twenty-four seven helping us run the show, Erhard Freitag said, “your subconscious has memory traces which is a part of how your subconscious mind works…...With passive patience, our subconscious mind accepts the words which appear to be completely harmless in everyday life, but which are often the reason for many misunderstandings and problems.” ( Freitag, Erhard F. The Subconscious Mind: A Source of Unlimited Power. Fawnskin: Personhood, 2003. Print.)These memory traces from words and actions in your past are sent to  your conscious mind to help you to react to the world and daily life. All scientific and Psychology research has shown that the subconscious is the mind behind the scenes helping us through our life. Each choice we make whether good or bad, The actions we take whether right or wrong, and every emotion we are given is from our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the captain and the conscious mind is the one that takes the orders.

The author's comments:

The subconscious mind is a powerful thing...

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