Self Reflection | Teen Ink

Self Reflection

December 16, 2016
By RuthRose99 BRONZE, Amherst, Ohio
RuthRose99 BRONZE, Amherst, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

For my first entry into the blogging universe, I will start with the topic of self worth and the idea to love your “flaws”. In my opinion, the word flaw should not pertain to any sort of human being, whatsoever. I know, I know, everyone tells you “You are perfect the way you are!” I also know that you might not believe that because it is coming from you Aunt Julie. But Julie is right, and all the other people in your life that are telling you that. You are perfect in your own unique. To get slightly religious, God made you the way you are and he made as perfect as everyone else.

Personally, it took me a while to find this out. Throughout my life I have been the quiet nerdy girl who is sort of strange. I don’t dress in the fanciest clothes, in fact I am sort of a tomboy. I wear goofy glasses and I am not extremely thin. For the longest time I wanted to be like all the other pretty popular girls in my school. It was not until recently that I started to appreciate and love the way I am. I am beautiful in my own way (Christina Aguilera explains this best in her song!)

My proclaimed revelation started about a year ago. I was unhappy with the way I looked and always compared myself to my friends and twin sister. They were smarter, more proportioned, more beautiful than I. I tried the diet and exercise thing, but that soon flew out the window. Personally, I have a hard time sticking to diet, but the exercising was fun. The thing was it just didn’t work. I did the whole wearing makeup and dressing nice all the time, but I did not feel very comfortable. It was not until I approached the women in my life, grandmother Ruth and my mother Michele. They got me out of my rut and sat me down to have a heart to heart. Which really isn’t my thing, but it couldn’t hurt. Right?

In the end they told me to just be myself and be happy. I am not my sister, or friends. I am Hannah, and I am the most perfect Hannah that I knew and could ever be.

I know this is a sort of cheesy proclamation, but hey it works for me. So what now? It is time for you to go through this revelation for yourself. Within my next post, I will add pointers on how I got started on the right path. All I am asking is for you to realize you can be comfortable in your own skin, and be as quirky as you like!!

P.S. I am not advocating that it is ok to live an unhealthy lifestyle. Harmful drugs and etc. is a no-no. It doesn’t hurt to eat a pretty healthy diet, though I can’t preach to that choir. I do occasionally, ok more than occasionally, eat like it is going out of style. Well, nevermind, just to state again, please do not think that I advocate a harmful way of life. All I want is for all of you to be comfortable just the way you are.


Ta-Ta for now!

The author's comments:

I feel that as human beings, we are all perfect in our own way. This idea is hard for people to swallow, but I believe it to be true. You all should, too.

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Dusk2933 said...
on Jan. 3 2017 at 9:06 pm
Great post. It takes a lot of people a long time to come to this realization. Just be yourself and be true to who you are.