2016! | Teen Ink


December 16, 2016
By Elaina21 BRONZE, Wheat Ridge, Colorado
Elaina21 BRONZE, Wheat Ridge, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

2016 is finally coming to an end. This year wasn't so bad. Believe it or not I really don't want this year to end.  That quite a surprise considering the year I have had. This year I lost majority of my friends, I actually got into a fight with one of them. My grades are dropping I'm only a little bit away from failing. Why do I do this to myself? I have finals coming up and it's crunch time. I definitely have regrets.

As you have read so far I am not a very good student, compared to Gino I guess no one really is. I mean this kid isn’t a straight A student but his grades are pretty high up there. Most of you understand if you have siblings. That's what absolutely sucks about having four siblings, my parents compare me to every single one of them. It's so annoying. It's either grades or behavior, as much as I love every single one of them it gets real old after awhile.

Let's talk about freshman year. I completely messed up. And I bet you're thinking that this is my biggest regret, It's not. Why Elaina? Why would you fight in school and enjoy it? I can't even get into the details it's such a long story. All I will tell you is that she had it coming for a long time. And she was a major b****. And it was over the dumbest possible thing, but I guess “everything happens for a reason.” Or atleast thats what I heard some girl in my class say. I am just happy that I don't have to deal with such negative people. Despite losing a lot of good friends in the process I wouldn't change a thing that happened. And trust me I know I’m not perfect, but boy let me tell you it's like a weight lifted off of my shoulder I feel so relieved.

Don't even get me started about my grades . Oh man that's where I really messed up. Thats where I am most disappointed. I absolutely can't believe how bad I screwed those up. I regret not pushing myself towards trying hard in school. I honestly think that if I wouldn't have slacked off that I might have finished this year with better grades. Lets just hope I do better on my finals.

I bet you're all asking yourselves if i'm getting to a point, yes I am. My point is that I want to do better. And that's why I am making a NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION! Yes I know almost every single person us humans know don't actually go through with these but I sure am. I have never actually went through with any of them before. Well what makes this so different Elaina? Well I want to actually have a year where I have no regrets, just memories. What is your resolution Elaina? My New Year's Resolution is to do better so that I don’t have to look forward to a 20 minute lecture about how badly I messed up. To be more optimistic so that I don’t become one of those negative people I used to associate with. And most importantly to not let anyone including myself, convince me that I can't do something. I am going to motivate myself and have a lot more confident.

The day I get back from break I am going to keep my word. I am going to go through with this. 


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