So Close, Yet So Far | Teen Ink

So Close, Yet So Far

January 5, 2017
By JacobWalter BRONZE, Diamond, Ohio
JacobWalter BRONZE, Diamond, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

No one is here, the sky outside is grey, and an elderly woman sits alone on her couch. The walls tan yellowish bland and pictures of flours are hung from them. Her eyes drifting from one side, of the room to the other side, she sees the same room every day with little interaction with the outside world. Her eyes drift to the electric picture frame shifting old photos of past christmases and friends and she smiles. She gets up to go to the bathroom, even that is bland and all white, she returns to the room and sees a bird. It was perched on a bird feeder eating. The bird was the same color of the old woman's shirt, bright red, she walked up to the window and looked at the free bird. She wished that family would visit her sometime soon. The bird had turned its head and looked at her as if it heard her. It then took off leaving the elderly woman alone again. Silently she shuffled to the couch and sat back down. She sat there and saw a picture of her and her husband on the electric picture frame. They were sitting down and eating at a picnic, she remembered it like it was yesterday. Eating Shoo-fly pie together the smell of her garden and the Shoo-fly pie floated around. The sound of birds chirping and, the green grass soft and welcoming. The blanket cluttered with plates and all kinds of foods. Suddenly she was jerked from her memory by the sound of her phone ringing, she answered it and was ecstatic. It was her nephew calling and telling her they will try to visit her soon, but they didn’t have enough money to make the trip…

They were so close, yet so far.

The author's comments:

This little story I wrote is about my Aunt, About two years ago my uncle passed away and his wife was put in a nusing home.And none of family really visites her. My family trys but we and really don't have the money to do so. But she also hase a few friends there, but not a lot.

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